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* Outreach Committee plan for National Pirate Conference
* Outreach Committee plan for National Pirate Conference
** Specifically: A two week conference starting on Sunday, May 22nd, and ending with voting for new officers on Sunday, June 5th.
** The conference will be entirely online to account for the COVID pandemic, with the hope of being in-person/mixed modality in 2023.
** The conference will be taking submissions from both US and international Pirates for those who would like to give speeches on Pirate topics during the duration.
** These topics will be organized around a specific theme, which will be suggested next week for the PNC to vote on.
** The public will be notified of the submission process through a Request for Proposal, written by the Outreach committee over the coming weeks.
** The conference will have time slots built in for reports from existing officers, as well as candidate forums so that the members can make informed votes.
* Discussion of whether discord is the right discussion tool for the national party.
==== New Business ====
==== New Business ====
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== Attending ==
== Attending ==
* Wodensday: Anthony Jay, INPP
* Joe: Joseph Onoroski, Treasurer, Massachusetts
* Sayyida: Megan Klein Wisconsin
* pmchi: Mitchel Davilo, Chicagoland/ILPP, Swarmcare Manager
* Radiojoe: William Dappen, CA
=== Non-Voting ===
* yari: Rose Klein, PNC chair
* Bosun: Joseph T Klein USPP Vice-chair
* jokeefe: James O’Keefe, USPP Secretary, Massachusetts
* EthanOsborne: Ethan Osborne, Kentucky
* Heydan: Name: Hayden State: NY
* carro/rc: richard carro, il, cook cohnty
== Summary ==
=== Non-Voting ===
Meeting called to order at 9:01 pm EST.
=== Reports ===
* IT did not meet on Thursday. Bosun is working on crew. We will meet on Thursday. Nothing else to report;
* Platform: still working on the master list. Not as much to report;
* Treasurer: working on FEC report;
* Swarmcare:
** Illinois - getting on the ballot is easier than thought;
** Our inquiry from Michigan will not be not be fruitful;
** New parties in Maryland, Kentucky and Pennsylvania are all in motion;
* Reports accepted 5-0-0.
=== Old Business ===
Outreach Committee plan for National Pirate Conference - Approved - 4-0-1
Discussion of whether discord is the right discussion tool for the national party - Tabled until a formal proposal is submitted - 5-0-0
=== New Business ===
== Summary ==
New York, Florida, Georgia, Oregon, and Washington added to probationary status - Approved 4-0-1.
Meeting adjourned at 10:12pm EST.
== Minutes ==
== Minutes ==
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[9:01pm] yari: Calling this meeting of the PNC to order at 9:01 pm EST
[9:01pm] yari: lol okay IDs please
[9:01pm] jokeefe: James O’Keefe, USPP Secretary, Massachusetts
[9:01pm] Bosun: Joseph T Klein USPP Vice-chair
[9:01pm] Wodensday: Anthony Jay, INPP
[9:01pm] yari: Rose Klein, PNC chair
[9:01pm] Joe: Joseph Onoroski, Treasurer, Massachusetts
[9:01pm] EthanOsborne joined the chat room.
[9:01pm] Sayyida: Megan Klein Wisconsin
[9:02pm] pmchi: Mitchel Davilo, Chicagoland/ILPP, Swarmcare Manager
[9:02pm] yari: Welcome Ethan! Just ID with name and state if you want to participate please.
[9:02pm] pmchi: Ethan congrats on the Bengals (assuming by proximity you’re a Bengals fan)
[9:02pm] EthanOsborne: Ethan Osborne, Kentucky
[9:02pm] yari: Let's start off with reports please. IT - anything to report?
[9:03pm] EthanOsborne: whodey!
[9:03pm] yari: jokeefe
[9:03pm] Bosun: I am the grease that is causing the crew deadline to slip.
[9:04pm] jokeefe: We did not meet on Thursday. Bosun is working on crew. We will meet on Thursday. Nothing else to report.
[9:04pm] EthanOsborne: so text chat only tonight no video?
[9:04pm] yari: Okay, thank you. Platform, anything to report? Joe?
[9:04pm] yari: correct EthanOsborne, it alternates every week currently
[9:04pm] EthanOsborne: 10-4
[9:04pm] Radiojoe: William Dappen, CA
[9:04pm] Radiojoe: sorry
[9:05pm] yari: Thanks Radiojoe
[9:06pm] Heydan joined the chat room.
[9:06pm] Heydan: Word up
[9:06pm] yari: Welcome Heydan. Please ID with name and state to participate
[9:07pm] yari: Skipping Joe for now since I'm not seeing any report. Outreach - Wodensday - anything to report?
[9:07pm] Wodensday: Outreach has a report, but I believe it’s fairly intrinsically linked to an agenda item of ours?
[9:07pm] Wodensday: If I recall correctly
[9:08pm] Heydan left the chat room.
[9:08pm] yari: Then we will just discuss it during that agenda item. Agenda is here: https://wiki.uspirates.org/w/index.php?title=PNC_01/30/2022
[9:08pm] Heydan joined the chat room.
[9:08pm] papegaai: Title: PNC 01/30/2022 - United States Pirate Party (at wiki.uspirates.org)
[9:08pm] Heydan: Name: Hayden State: NY
[9:08pm] Heydan: Hit the wring button sry
[9:09pm] yari: thank you Wodensday. jokeefe or Bosun, anything to report - aye or nay
[9:09pm] jokeefe: nay
[9:09pm] Joe: Sorry for the delay. Doggie had my attention
[9:10pm] yari: Joe you can go ahead and make a Platform report if you have one
[9:10pm] Joe: Platform I am still working on the master list. Not as much to report.
[9:10pm] yari: okay thank you Joe. next up pmchi. anything to report?
[9:11pm] Joe: On the treasurer side, we have an FEC report due.
[9:11pm] pmchi: Illinois, due to redistricting, only requires 5000 signatures for independent and third party candidates this election cycle. We also have 90 days to collect, starting 90 days before the final day to file. This is great news on our end, as it’s a LOT less than we originally thought. Otherwise, no new developments. Our inquiry from Michigan will not be not be fruitful, unfortunately, but Maryland, Kentucky and Pennsylvania are all in motion, so
[9:11pm] pmchi: further USPP expansion seems to be a matter of time!
[9:11pm] pmchi: I also got to hop into a Discord Voice meeting with the US Transhumanist Party. There’s some interest in working together on their end, so something for the future
[9:11pm] pmchi: That’s all for Swarmcare
[9:12pm] yari: Thank you pmchi. Joe, sorry I cut you off - is there anything you wanted to say more for treasury?
[9:12pm] Radiojoe left the chat room. (connection closed)
[9:12pm] Joe: Nay
[9:13pm] yari: Okay, it seems all officers have made their reports. Is there any discussion or debate with regard to the reports as written?
[9:13pm] Heydan: For the platform...
[9:13pm] Bosun: I move we accept the reports.
[9:14pm] yari: motion on the table, Heydan did you have an item of discussion or debate?
[9:14pm] Heydan: Should we come up with canned answers to hot topics for the day? Not detailed stances but like a more casual view?
[9:14pm] Heydan: Like where are we on the Ukrainian situation, gun control, abortion etc? To make the party more approachable.
[9:15pm] Wodensday: Having anything at all is definitely better than nothing. I believe we will get somewhere once this master list is completed though.
[9:15pm] Wodensday: With that, I second bosun’s motion
[9:15pm] yari: It has been properly moved and seconded that we accept the reports. Members, please vote aye or nay
[9:16pm] Sayyida: aye
[9:16pm] pmchi: Aye
[9:16pm] Joe: Aye
[9:16pm] Bosun: aye
[9:16pm] Wodensday: Aye
[9:16pm] Heydan: Aye
[9:16pm] Bosun: I am sorry, I cannot vote.
[9:16pm] yari: All five states present have voted aye, Radiojoe is no longer in the chat.
[9:16pm] yari: *four
[9:16pm] Joe: Hayden, platform discussions are for the platform committee.
[9:16pm] Wodensday left the chat room. (Quit: Connection closed)
[9:16pm] Heydan: Ah well
[9:17pm] yari: With that, we move on to old business.
[9:17pm] Joe: Which will be more than welcome tomorrow.
yari: Outreach Committee plan for National Pirate Conference      Specifically: A two week conference starting on Sunday, May 22nd, and ending with voting for new officers on Sunday, June 5th.    The conference will be entirely online to account for the COVID pandemic, with the hope of being in-person/mixed modality in 2023.    The conference will be taking submissions from both US and international Pirates for those who would like to give speeches on Pirate top
[9:17pm] Wodensday joined the chat room.
[9:17pm] Wodensday: Anthony Jay, IN (returning)
[9:17pm] yari: oooh that didn't paste very well
[9:17pm] pmchi: Hayden, since NY isn’t a PNC member state (yet), you won’t have a vote at these meetings
[9:17pm] Bosun: topic.
[9:18pm] Heydan: I thought NY ratified?
[9:18pm] yari: topic of business right now: Outreach committee plan for National Pirate Conference
[9:18pm] jokeefe: Specifically: A two week conference starting on Sunday, May 22nd, and ending with voting for new officers on Sunday, June 5th.
[9:18pm] jokeefe: The conference will be entirely online to account for the COVID pandemic, with the hope of being in-person/mixed modality in 2023.
[9:18pm] jokeefe: The conference will be taking submissions from both US and international Pirates for those who would like to give speeches on Pirate topics during the duration.
[9:18pm] jokeefe: These topics will be organized around a specific theme, which will be suggested next week for the PNC to vote on.
[9:18pm] jokeefe: The public will be notified of the submission process through a Request for Proposal, written by the Outreach committee over the coming weeks.
[9:18pm] jokeefe: The conference will have time slots built in for reports from existing officers, as well as candidate forums so that the members can make informed votes.
[9:18pm] yari: thank you jokeefe
[9:19pm] Sayyida: Chair, point of order
[9:19pm] yari: Wodensday or Bosun, please let me know if I misrepresented our discussion at any point in this description
[9:19pm] yari: Sayyida?
[9:19pm] Sayyida: are we talking about NY being ratified?
[9:19pm] yari: No, Sayyida. We are not.
[9:19pm] yari: That is not the current topic. That is off topic discussion.
[9:20pm] Wodensday: (For clarity, the above proposal is the result of both a meeting with outreach and a private meeting between myself, the chair, and vice chair.)
[9:20pm] Sayyida: I must be lagging because I have things out of order
[9:20pm] Sayyida: my apologies
[9:21pm] yari: No worries, Sayyida. It's good to clarify. The current topic of discussion is the Outreach committee plan for the National Pirate Conference. If anyone has questions as to this plan, it can be found with the meeting agenda
[9:21pm] yari: https://wiki.uspirates.org/w/index.php?title=PNC_01/30/2022
[9:21pm] papegaai: Title: PNC 01/30/2022 - United States Pirate Party (at wiki.uspirates.org)
[9:21pm] yari: And also jokeefe pasted it above
[9:21pm] yari: We are now opening discussion or debate about this plan, and the chair will accept any motions.
[9:22pm] Sayyida: when are we choosing themes, and is there a new theme every day or weekly theme?
[9:23pm] Wodensday: A conventional theme, to my understanding
[9:23pm] yari: That was the intention of the wording, yes - although perhaps I didn't communicate it very well
[9:23pm] Wodensday: The convention will be themed (possibly).
[9:23pm] jokeefe: Sounds like a good plan. Will need a submissions date for speaker/panel suggestions, but that can be decided later.
[9:24pm] Heydan left the chat room.
[9:24pm] Radiojoe joined the chat room.
[9:24pm] Radiojoe: Hi, I have returned
[9:24pm] Sayyida: ahoy!
[9:24pm] Sayyida: (again)
[9:24pm] yari: Top ten things about this plan are all that it is not as late as the last time we threw this together
[9:25pm] Joe: Always a plus.
[9:26pm] yari: is there any further discussion/debate/motions?
[9:26pm] Sayyida: none from Wisconsin
[9:26pm] Wodensday: I move we accept
[9:26pm] pmchi: Second
[9:26pm] Joe: 2nd
[9:26pm] Joe: 3rd?
[9:27pm] yari: It has been properly moved and seconded that we accept the plan as written. Secretary, is the wording of the current plan clear enough to be actionable for the PNC as a motion?
[9:27pm] Wodensday5 joined the chat room.
[9:28pm] Wodensday5: Me
[9:28pm] jokeefe: Looks legit
[9:28pm] yari: okay, thank you
[9:28pm] yari: in that case, is there debate regarding the acceptance of this as a motion?
[9:28pm] yari: waiting 30 seconds and calling the vote after
[9:29pm] Wodensday left the chat room. (Ping timeout: 2m30s)
[9:29pm] yari: Please vote aye or nay to accept the above motion
[9:29pm] Sayyida: aye
[9:29pm] Wodensday5: Aye
[9:29pm] Joe: Aye
[9:30pm] pmchi: Aye
[9:30pm] yari: Radiojoe, please vote or abstain
[9:30pm] yari: although questions are fine
[9:31pm] yari: Calling the vote - 4 members in favor, one not voted. The motion passes.
[9:32pm] yari: Moving on to the next issue on old business: Discussion of whether discord is the right discussion tool for the national party.
[9:32pm] yari: We had some really useful discussion about this last week
[9:33pm] yari: I appreciated all your insights -  including the understanding that much of the way the current discord is set up is not condusive to our growth.
[9:34pm] yari: We also talked about the setting up of state discord channels/servers
[9:34pm] Joe: If I may?
[9:34pm] yari: Go ahead, Joe
[9:34pm] Joe: The discord was setup by Liz, correct?
[9:34pm] yari: Originally, I believe so.
[9:35pm] Joe: Whom currently has admin access?
[9:35pm] yari: It's been changed a lot since then
[9:35pm] yari: Myself, jokeefe, Bosun...
[9:35pm] Sayyida: Actually I don't remember if it was Liz or Victor
[9:35pm] Sayyida: one of the two started it, then keys were passed
[9:35pm] Wodensday5 left the chat room. (Quit: Connection closed)
[9:35pm] Sayyida: its at least 5 years old
[9:35pm] yari: Your point, Joe?
[9:36pm] yari: We do currently have keys
[9:36pm] Sayyida: again assuming memory is still good
[9:36pm] yari: And have been able to make changes
[9:36pm] Joe: It ties to later points but overall it would fall to you three to overhaul it if need be.
[9:37pm] Wodensday joined the chat room.
[9:37pm] Joe: Or start to simplify it in the least.
[9:37pm] yari: Or whomever else we grant admin access
[9:37pm] Joe: Aye
[9:37pm] Radiojoe: I abstain btw
[9:37pm] yari: okay lol thanks Radiojoe
[9:38pm] Sayyida: yari: I have a suggestion
[9:38pm] Wodensday: While I’m sure I missed a few messages, I would suggest we not make any changes to the discord before we formulate our thoughts a bit better. I’m not quite sure we really have a solid grasp on the problems or solutions, and we may need to narrow the topic down.
[9:38pm] yari: Please go ahead Sayyida
[9:38pm] Sayyida: It might be better to rid the pirate discord of all but PNC status channels.
[9:39pm] Sayyida: I am not phasing this well as i hoped, but removing the state or "zone" channels
[9:39pm] Sayyida: having each state have their own discord, and keeping a standing open link on the discord welcome
[9:40pm] Sayyida: that way once someone joins, instead of roles, just go join your state, it could declutter a lot
[9:40pm] yari: See, this is where I think a forum would do us more good.
[9:40pm] Joe: 2nd
[9:40pm] Wodensday: I have an objection to this, if I may
[9:40pm] yari: Wodensday go ahead
[9:40pm] Radiojoe: 2nd to yary or sayy?
[9:40pm] Radiojoe: yari*
[9:41pm] Joe: Sayy but I am interested in wod's rebuttal.
[9:41pm] Wodensday: I like the idea of state discords. I have one in my back pocket right now. But I would not want to remove the individual channels. Pirates from states who are not organized still need a place to start.
[9:41pm] Wodensday: Maryland would not currently be in talks of forming without the Maryland channel.
[9:42pm] pmchi: I think the state channels are a necessary evil until we have state Discords set up. We could have a giant server sharing channel to link to each state discord, but until each state has one, I think we still need the state channels
[9:42pm] pmchi: To wodensdays point, Maryland for example is using their channel well
[9:42pm] Wodensday: ^^^
[9:42pm] Sayyida: states can communicate via twitter, otherwise why not just do facebook
[9:43pm] Bosun: OK but it is not hard to make and then hand it off.
[9:43pm] Wodensday: That’s not a very effective way to get currently unaffiliated pirates to meet each other.
[9:43pm] carro joined the chat room.
[9:43pm] carro: hello
[9:43pm] Sayyida: discord has the micro growth of facebook and that is extremely unproductive
[9:43pm] Joe: We could go through the process of setting up each state's discord now and hand over the keys as they become ratified.
[9:43pm] yari: Welcome carro, please ID
[9:43pm] pmchi: The more mediums of communication, the better
[9:43pm] carro: richard carro, il, cook cohnty
[9:43pm] yari: Thank you carro
[9:43pm] Sayyida: pmchi: actually i disagree, the more not the better
[9:43pm] Wodensday: The state channels are immediate and are still under the banner of an active discord community. Nobody is going to join a new discord with 0 members under the hopes someone else from Puerto Rico comes in within the next 5 years.
[9:43pm] carro: i dont like how against discord we are
[9:44pm] carro: jt maames nk sense.
[9:44pm] carro: *it makes no sense
[9:44pm] Sayyida: the more mouths, the more talking, the more talking the less consistent information gets
[9:44pm] carro: discord is very simple and easg
[9:44pm] pmchi: As long as there’s active communication and links, I think it’s a good thing. Having a mastodon channel no one uses wouldn’t help, but I really want to drive home the point of a relaybot
[9:44pm] Wodensday: Well, we still want a place for people to talk, no?
[9:44pm] jokeefe: Facebook is not a tool we should rely on. Not everyone wants to join it.
[9:44pm] carro left the chat room. (connection closed)
[9:45pm] Joe: Or can
[9:45pm] Wodensday: Our issue seems to be the mix between casual discussion and actual business. This conversation is about departing them, if I recall correctly.
[9:45pm] Sayyida: its not business in the channels
[9:45pm] Sayyida: most of it is discussions that dont build the party itself
[9:45pm] rc joined the chat room.
[9:45pm] Wodensday: ~jokeefe to that point, someone else had to make an INPP Facebook and guilt me into joining for the good of the cause before I ever stepped foot onto the platform
[9:45pm] Wodensday: I was about to be a never-FBer
[9:46pm] Sayyida: discord is gen zs facebook
[9:46pm] yari: Sayyida not every discussion has to be business - it's actually super useful to have unrelated meme discussions to build a community
[9:46pm] rc: discord is amazing
[9:46pm] yari: rc please ID
[9:46pm] rc: its me richard
[9:46pm] Joe: As Bosun stated, we could setup the states for them
[9:46pm] rc: you can do alot with discord
[9:46pm] Wodensday: That is far more impractical with a chatroom than it is a website
[9:46pm] rc: buisness, etc
[9:46pm] Wodensday: Setting it up for them, I mean
[9:46pm] Joe: And keep the us party as 1 chat
[9:47pm] yari: Okay so let's bring this discussion back to a point please
[9:47pm] Sayyida: discord is a chatroom
[9:47pm] rc: no its not
[9:47pm] yari: Order
[9:47pm] Wodensday: I would like to make a motion
[9:47pm] rc: sayyida, discord can be used for multiple things lmal
[9:47pm] rc: voice, chat, sharing etc
[9:48pm] yari: rc please silence
[9:48pm] pmchi: RelayBot would connect all out channels and have one spot that everyone can talk at while getting to use the app of their choice. I know I keep hammering that home and I know Yari is working on it, but I think it’ll make a world of difference
[9:48pm] yari: pmchi same calling for order
[9:48pm] yari: Wodensday what is your motion
[9:48pm] Wodensday: I motion that this topic is tabled indefinitely until a specific motion is brought forward that can be discussed on its own merits. (This is too broad of a topic.)
[9:49pm] Joe: 2nd
[9:49pm] yari: it has been properly moved and seconded. Any discussion or debate before we move to a vote?
[9:49pm] Bosun: motion to table overides all discussion.
[9:49pm] rc: ok bosun
[9:49pm] rc: hehehs
[9:50pm] yari: thank you for the clarification bosun
[9:50pm] yari: I am forgetting my RONR
[9:50pm] rc: 👑
[9:50pm] rc left the chat room. (connection closed)
[9:50pm] Bosun: Please have RC maintaine decorum.
[9:50pm] yari: okay, in that case, please vote aye or nay to table the discussion indefinitely.
[9:50pm] Wodensday: Aye
[9:50pm] Joe: Aye
[9:50pm] Radiojoe: Aye
[9:50pm] pmchi: Aye
[9:50pm] Sayyida: aye
[9:51pm] yari: The motion passes unanimously.
[9:51pm] yari: Moving on to new business:
[9:51pm] Joe: Motion to add dues to new business for next week
[9:51pm] yari: Request by Secretary that the PNC consider moving NY Pirate Party to probationary status as defined by our By-laws
[9:51pm] yari: Joe please just ask the secretary to do so, you need not move for that
[9:52pm] Joe: My apologies, will do
[9:52pm] Wodensday: Could we receive some information on NY’s condition as a member?
[9:52pm] jokeefe: I will add your topic to next week’s agenda, Joe
[9:52pm] Sayyida: ny has been out of the loop for some time
[9:52pm] Wodensday: I was unaware that it was not yet probationary until this evening.
[9:52pm] Bosun: The last recognized member was Liz.
[9:52pm] pmchi: What would their probationary status grant them versus full status?
[9:52pm] Joe: Disorganized at best, disbanded at worst.
[9:53pm] yari: https://wiki.uspirates.org/w/index.php?title=Pirate_National_Committee_(PNC)/Bylaws#Section_4:_Probation
[9:53pm] yari: This is the section on probation
[9:53pm] Sayyida: disbanded is what it has been called to my knowledge
[9:53pm] jokeefe: State eligibility requires:
[9:53pm] jokeefe: * Appoint one Primary Representative and at least one Alternate Representative, both of whom must be active members of the state’s Pirate Party.
[9:53pm] jokeefe: * Regularly send a Representative to attend PNC meetings.
[9:53pm] jokeefe: * Maintain an active web presence with an easy method of contact by prospective members.
[9:54pm] Joe: Full status means that they can vote, as hayden tried. Even though they did not properly ID
[9:54pm] jokeefe: None of those conditions have been met in quite sometime.
[9:54pm] Sayyida: NY hasnt even met the requirements to be probationary for at least 4 years
[9:54pm] Bosun: The have failed "Regularly send a Representative to attend PNC meetings."
[9:54pm] Sayyida: NY doesn't exist
[9:54pm] Sayyida: the state party that is
[9:54pm] Wodensday: Understood.
[9:54pm] yari: lol the state does, I assure you
[9:54pm] Wodensday: I then motion that we set NY to probationary status.
[9:54pm] pmchi: Allegedly
[9:55pm] yari: motion on the table
[9:55pm] Wodensday: “New” York
[9:55pm] Sayyida: oh most defiantly the state of NY does exist
[9:55pm] pmchi: Allegedly
[9:55pm] jokeefe: “NY is a state of mind”
[9:55pm] Joe: Then I think our course of action is clear. Beyond current members, I say they are not members.
[9:56pm] Sayyida: Wodensday: are we wanting to vote to clarify if they have status?
[9:56pm] Wodensday: I was under the impression we were voting to move them to probationary under their inability to meet membership requirements.
[9:56pm] yari: They are currently set to be full members of this body
[9:56pm] Wodensday: So, they’ve yet to be moved to probationary.
[9:56pm] Sayyida: it seems a bit redundant to dig up a 4yr old corpse and do an autopsy
[9:56pm] Wodensday: Definite answers are always good.
[9:56pm] yari: It's good to clean out the closet
[9:57pm] yari: I don't think Wodensday is trying to dig up something for answers.
[9:57pm] yari: Sayyida, to be clear: NYPP is currently listed as a full member of the PNC.
[9:57pm] Sayyida: forgive me, I find this insane
[9:57pm] Sayyida: why?
[9:57pm] Sayyida: it isn't and hasnt been for years
[9:57pm] Sayyida: we all know this
[9:57pm] Joe: I think I agree with Sayyida, since we haven't had them here, they don't count.
[9:57pm] Wodensday: Plus, this gives our observer we had today an opportunity to ask the now probationary corpse if he can do anything to help them out.
[9:57pm] yari: Because they were never voted to be moved to probationary
[9:58pm] Sayyida: so burocracy
[9:58pm] Wodensday: This is strictly for decorum.
[9:58pm] yari: exactly
[9:58pm] Sayyida: check box
[9:58pm] yari: exactly
[9:58pm] Wodensday: It’s a good move, even if we don’t expect the renewal to happen.
[9:58pm] Wodensday: I stand by my motion
[9:58pm] Joe: 2nd then
[9:58pm] yari: It has been properly moved and seconded to move NYPP to probationary status. Is there any further discussion or debate before we move to the vote?
[9:59pm] pmchi: Shall we move the others that were once active and no longer? Washington or Oregon?
[9:59pm] Bosun: We should.
[9:59pm] pmchi: To probationary?
[9:59pm] Sayyida: montana
[9:59pm] yari: pmchi would you like to amend the motion?
[10:00pm] yari: jokeefe?
[10:00pm] yari: I defer to you
[10:00pm] Bosun: The intent of the bylaws was that you miss four meeting you become probationary.
[10:00pm] yari: Bosun does that happen automatically?
[10:00pm] jokeefe: The list of active state parties as I know it is at the bottom of uspirates.org.
[10:00pm] Bosun: YES
[10:00pm] Sayyida: which is why im kinda confused
[10:01pm] jokeefe: ACTIVE STATE PARTIES
[10:01pm] jokeefe: California
[10:01pm] jokeefe: Illinois
[10:01pm] jokeefe: Indiana
[10:01pm] jokeefe: Massachusetts
[10:01pm] jokeefe: New York
[10:01pm] jokeefe: Wisconsin
[10:01pm] Radiojoe: Philly?
[10:01pm] Wodensday: The secretary suggested this correct? Could we have their reasoning?
[10:01pm] pmchi: Or should I say: Motion to move all currently inactive states, which were previously voted as PNC members, to probationary status
[10:01pm] jokeefe: Philly isn’t a state
[10:01pm] Sayyida: its 9:01
[10:02pm] Wodensday: Forgive him, he’s a west coaster
[10:02pm] Sayyida: motion to adjourn
[10:02pm] Radiojoe: shoot i mean pennsylvania, sorry, wires swapped
[10:02pm] Joe: Motion to add 10 Minutes to settle the matter and be done with it.
[10:02pm] jokeefe: I don’t think Pennsylvania has been approved yet.
[10:02pm] Sayyida: PA hasnt
[10:02pm] Radiojoe: ok
[10:02pm] Wodensday: I second Joe’s motion
[10:02pm] yari: there's already a motion on the table that we need to resolve somehow before adjourning
[10:03pm] Radiojoe: gtg
[10:03pm] EthanOsborne: requesting to add creation of Kentucky Pirate Party t
[10:03pm] Wodensday: Ah
[10:03pm] Radiojoe left the chat room. (connection closed)
[10:03pm] Wodensday: EthanOsborne, we may have to get to that one later
[10:03pm] yari: 2nded to extend, Ethan you need to apply
[10:03pm] yari: All in favor of extending please vote
[10:03pm] pmchi: Aye
[10:03pm] Sayyida: nay
[10:03pm] Bosun: No. Ky needs to apply and check the boxes.
[10:03pm] Wodensday: Aye
[10:03pm] Joe: So lets vote on ny and if additional staes need to be addressed then we will
[10:04pm] Wodensday: (I led KY astray on this one, I thought we may have time to discuss what he needs for membership)
[10:04pm] Joe: Motion for ny to be moved to probation.
[10:04pm] jokeefe: Motion: It has been properly moved and seconded to move NYPP to probationary status.
[10:04pm] pmchi: Motion to move the following states to probationary status: Florida, Georgia, Oregon and Washington
[10:04pm] yari: Okay so the meeting has been extended.
[10:04pm] yari: jokeefe: we never got your reasoning
[10:05pm] pmchi: Based on Wikipedia (the king of reliable sources), those are former active states
[10:05pm] jokeefe: Sorry, which reasoning?
[10:05pm] yari: EthanOsborne: https://wiki.uspirates.org/w/index.php?title=Pirate_National_Committee_(PNC)/Bylaws#Section_2:_State_Eligibility
[10:05pm] yari: jokeefe: why is NY still on this list? they haven't been active for a while
[10:05pm] yari: Is it just because we haven't voted them off
[10:06pm] jokeefe: aye:
[10:06pm] Wodensday: Is it possible this is an administrative error and that they were never intended to remain?
[10:06pm] Wodensday: If it is true that this is automatic
[10:06pm] jokeefe: A State may be declared, by majority vote of the PNC, a Probationary State if any of the following conditions are met:
[10:06pm] jokeefe: No Representative from the Pirate Party of the State attends two consecutive PNC meetings, or:
[10:06pm] jokeefe: If the Pirate Party of the State no longer meets the requirements set forth in §3 An observer state can apply for probationary status as a stepping-stone to full membership. Art. III §2.
[10:07pm] jokeefe: https://wiki.uspirates.org/w/index.php?title=Pirate_National_Committee_(PNC)/Bylaws#Section_4:_Probation
[10:07pm] yari: It is not automatic
[10:07pm] yari: Bosun was mistaken
[10:07pm] yari: It requires a majority vote of the PNC
[10:07pm] yari: per the probation requirements linked above
[10:07pm] yari: So let's do it
[10:07pm] Bosun: I said the intent ... I can also read the bylaws
[10:07pm] yari: NY is the only one on the list
[10:07pm] jokeefe: Re: Florida, Georgia, Oregon and Washington, I believe they were voted probationary, but it would have been a long-time back.
[10:08pm] yari: so the current motion is to vote NY probationary
[10:08pm] Bosun: Perhaps a friendly ammendment.
[10:08pm] yari: Bosun?
[10:08pm] jokeefe: To add Florida, Georgia, Oregon and Washington, Bosun ?
[10:09pm] yari: Sure, since this body seems fine with it.
[10:09pm] Bosun: If the mover so acceps that we we remove all the statea the have not attended this year so far.
[10:10pm] jokeefe: Joe?
[10:10pm] Joe: I am so moved.
[10:10pm] yari: Is there any discussion or debate on a motion by wodensday and ameded to have New York, Florida, Georgia, Orego, and Washington added to probationary status?
[10:10pm] Wodensday: None here
[10:11pm] yari: Please vote aye or nay to approve the motion as above.
[10:11pm] pmchi: Aye
[10:11pm] Joe: Aye
[10:11pm] Wodensday: Aye
[10:11pm] Sayyida: Wisconsin abstains, out of redundancy and principle
[10:11pm] Sayyida: good night
[10:11pm] Sayyida left the chat room. (connection closed)
[10:11pm] yari: Three in favor, one abstain.
[10:11pm] yari: Motion passes
[10:12pm] Joe: Motion to adjourn?
[10:12pm] Wodensday: Second
[10:12pm] yari: properly moved and seconded
[10:12pm] yari: all in favor?
[10:12pm] pmchi: Aye
[10:12pm] Joe: Aye
[10:12pm] Bosun: good night.
[10:12pm] Joe: Gn b
[10:12pm] Wodensday: Aye
[10:12pm] yari: With that, this meeting of the PNC is adjourned at 10:12pm EST. Thank you all

Latest revision as of 23:36, 30 January 2022








Old Business

  • Outreach Committee plan for National Pirate Conference
    • Specifically: A two week conference starting on Sunday, May 22nd, and ending with voting for new officers on Sunday, June 5th.
    • The conference will be entirely online to account for the COVID pandemic, with the hope of being in-person/mixed modality in 2023.
    • The conference will be taking submissions from both US and international Pirates for those who would like to give speeches on Pirate topics during the duration.
    • These topics will be organized around a specific theme, which will be suggested next week for the PNC to vote on.
    • The public will be notified of the submission process through a Request for Proposal, written by the Outreach committee over the coming weeks.
    • The conference will have time slots built in for reports from existing officers, as well as candidate forums so that the members can make informed votes.
  • Discussion of whether discord is the right discussion tool for the national party.

New Business

  • Request by Secretary that the PNC consider moving NY Pirate Party to probationary status as defined by our By-laws


  • Wodensday: Anthony Jay, INPP
  • Joe: Joseph Onoroski, Treasurer, Massachusetts
  • Sayyida: Megan Klein Wisconsin
  • pmchi: Mitchel Davilo, Chicagoland/ILPP, Swarmcare Manager
  • Radiojoe: William Dappen, CA


  • yari: Rose Klein, PNC chair
  • Bosun: Joseph T Klein USPP Vice-chair
  • jokeefe: James O’Keefe, USPP Secretary, Massachusetts
  • EthanOsborne: Ethan Osborne, Kentucky
  • Heydan: Name: Hayden State: NY
  • carro/rc: richard carro, il, cook cohnty


Meeting called to order at 9:01 pm EST.


  • IT did not meet on Thursday. Bosun is working on crew. We will meet on Thursday. Nothing else to report;
  • Platform: still working on the master list. Not as much to report;
  • Treasurer: working on FEC report;
  • Swarmcare:
    • Illinois - getting on the ballot is easier than thought;
    • Our inquiry from Michigan will not be not be fruitful;
    • New parties in Maryland, Kentucky and Pennsylvania are all in motion;
  • Reports accepted 5-0-0.

Old Business

Outreach Committee plan for National Pirate Conference - Approved - 4-0-1

Discussion of whether discord is the right discussion tool for the national party - Tabled until a formal proposal is submitted - 5-0-0

New Business

New York, Florida, Georgia, Oregon, and Washington added to probationary status - Approved 4-0-1.

Meeting adjourned at 10:12pm EST.


Record of the meeting

[9:01pm] yari: Calling this meeting of the PNC to order at 9:01 pm EST
[9:01pm] yari: lol okay IDs please
[9:01pm] jokeefe: James O’Keefe, USPP Secretary, Massachusetts
[9:01pm] Bosun: Joseph T Klein USPP Vice-chair
[9:01pm] Wodensday: Anthony Jay, INPP
[9:01pm] yari: Rose Klein, PNC chair
[9:01pm] Joe: Joseph Onoroski, Treasurer, Massachusetts
[9:01pm] EthanOsborne joined the chat room.
[9:01pm] Sayyida: Megan Klein Wisconsin
[9:02pm] pmchi: Mitchel Davilo, Chicagoland/ILPP, Swarmcare Manager
[9:02pm] yari: Welcome Ethan! Just ID with name and state if you want to participate please.
[9:02pm] pmchi: Ethan congrats on the Bengals (assuming by proximity you’re a Bengals fan)
[9:02pm] EthanOsborne: Ethan Osborne, Kentucky
[9:02pm] yari: Let's start off with reports please. IT - anything to report?
[9:03pm] EthanOsborne: whodey!
[9:03pm] yari: jokeefe
[9:03pm] Bosun: I am the grease that is causing the crew deadline to slip.
[9:04pm] jokeefe: We did not meet on Thursday. Bosun is working on crew. We will meet on Thursday. Nothing else to report.
[9:04pm] EthanOsborne: so text chat only tonight no video?
[9:04pm] yari: Okay, thank you. Platform, anything to report? Joe?
[9:04pm] yari: correct EthanOsborne, it alternates every week currently
[9:04pm] EthanOsborne: 10-4
[9:04pm] Radiojoe: William Dappen, CA
[9:04pm] Radiojoe: sorry
[9:05pm] yari: Thanks Radiojoe
[9:06pm] Heydan joined the chat room.
[9:06pm] Heydan: Word up
[9:06pm] yari: Welcome Heydan. Please ID with name and state to participate
[9:07pm] yari: Skipping Joe for now since I'm not seeing any report. Outreach - Wodensday - anything to report?
[9:07pm] Wodensday: Outreach has a report, but I believe it’s fairly intrinsically linked to an agenda item of ours?
[9:07pm] Wodensday: If I recall correctly
[9:08pm] Heydan left the chat room.
[9:08pm] yari: Then we will just discuss it during that agenda item. Agenda is here: https://wiki.uspirates.org/w/index.php?title=PNC_01/30/2022
[9:08pm] Heydan joined the chat room.
[9:08pm] papegaai: Title: PNC 01/30/2022 - United States Pirate Party (at wiki.uspirates.org)
[9:08pm] Heydan: Name: Hayden State: NY
[9:08pm] Heydan: Hit the wring button sry
[9:09pm] yari: thank you Wodensday. jokeefe or Bosun, anything to report - aye or nay
[9:09pm] jokeefe: nay
[9:09pm] Joe: Sorry for the delay. Doggie had my attention
[9:10pm] yari: Joe you can go ahead and make a Platform report if you have one
[9:10pm] Joe: Platform I am still working on the master list. Not as much to report.
[9:10pm] yari: okay thank you Joe. next up pmchi. anything to report?
[9:11pm] Joe: On the treasurer side, we have an FEC report due.
[9:11pm] pmchi: Illinois, due to redistricting, only requires 5000 signatures for independent and third party candidates this election cycle. We also have 90 days to collect, starting 90 days before the final day to file. This is great news on our end, as it’s a LOT less than we originally thought. Otherwise, no new developments. Our inquiry from Michigan will not be not be fruitful, unfortunately, but Maryland, Kentucky and Pennsylvania are all in motion, so
[9:11pm] pmchi: further USPP expansion seems to be a matter of time!
[9:11pm] pmchi: I also got to hop into a Discord Voice meeting with the US Transhumanist Party. There’s some interest in working together on their end, so something for the future
[9:11pm] pmchi: That’s all for Swarmcare
[9:12pm] yari: Thank you pmchi. Joe, sorry I cut you off - is there anything you wanted to say more for treasury?
[9:12pm] Radiojoe left the chat room. (connection closed)
[9:12pm] Joe: Nay
[9:13pm] yari: Okay, it seems all officers have made their reports. Is there any discussion or debate with regard to the reports as written?
[9:13pm] Heydan: For the platform...
[9:13pm] Bosun: I move we accept the reports.
[9:14pm] yari: motion on the table, Heydan did you have an item of discussion or debate?
[9:14pm] Heydan: Should we come up with canned answers to hot topics for the day? Not detailed stances but like a more casual view?
[9:14pm] Heydan: Like where are we on the Ukrainian situation, gun control, abortion etc? To make the party more approachable.
[9:15pm] Wodensday: Having anything at all is definitely better than nothing. I believe we will get somewhere once this master list is completed though.
[9:15pm] Wodensday: With that, I second bosun’s motion
[9:15pm] yari: It has been properly moved and seconded that we accept the reports. Members, please vote aye or nay
[9:16pm] Sayyida: aye
[9:16pm] pmchi: Aye
[9:16pm] Joe: Aye
[9:16pm] Bosun: aye
[9:16pm] Wodensday: Aye
[9:16pm] Heydan: Aye
[9:16pm] Bosun: I am sorry, I cannot vote.
[9:16pm] yari: All five states present have voted aye, Radiojoe is no longer in the chat.
[9:16pm] yari: *four
[9:16pm] Joe: Hayden, platform discussions are for the platform committee.
[9:16pm] Wodensday left the chat room. (Quit: Connection closed)
[9:16pm] Heydan: Ah well
[9:17pm] yari: With that, we move on to old business.
[9:17pm] Joe: Which will be more than welcome tomorrow. 
yari: Outreach Committee plan for National Pirate Conference      Specifically: A two week conference starting on Sunday, May 22nd, and ending with voting for new officers on Sunday, June 5th.    The conference will be entirely online to account for the COVID pandemic, with the hope of being in-person/mixed modality in 2023.    The conference will be taking submissions from both US and international Pirates for those who would like to give speeches on Pirate top
[9:17pm] Wodensday joined the chat room.
[9:17pm] Wodensday: Anthony Jay, IN (returning)
[9:17pm] yari: oooh that didn't paste very well
[9:17pm] pmchi: Hayden, since NY isn’t a PNC member state (yet), you won’t have a vote at these meetings
[9:17pm] Bosun: topic.
[9:18pm] Heydan: I thought NY ratified?
[9:18pm] yari: topic of business right now: Outreach committee plan for National Pirate Conference
[9:18pm] jokeefe: Specifically: A two week conference starting on Sunday, May 22nd, and ending with voting for new officers on Sunday, June 5th.
[9:18pm] jokeefe: The conference will be entirely online to account for the COVID pandemic, with the hope of being in-person/mixed modality in 2023.
[9:18pm] jokeefe: The conference will be taking submissions from both US and international Pirates for those who would like to give speeches on Pirate topics during the duration.
[9:18pm] jokeefe: These topics will be organized around a specific theme, which will be suggested next week for the PNC to vote on.
[9:18pm] jokeefe: The public will be notified of the submission process through a Request for Proposal, written by the Outreach committee over the coming weeks.
[9:18pm] jokeefe: The conference will have time slots built in for reports from existing officers, as well as candidate forums so that the members can make informed votes.
[9:18pm] yari: thank you jokeefe
[9:19pm] Sayyida: Chair, point of order
[9:19pm] yari: Wodensday or Bosun, please let me know if I misrepresented our discussion at any point in this description
[9:19pm] yari: Sayyida?
[9:19pm] Sayyida: are we talking about NY being ratified?
[9:19pm] yari: No, Sayyida. We are not.
[9:19pm] yari: That is not the current topic. That is off topic discussion.
[9:20pm] Wodensday: (For clarity, the above proposal is the result of both a meeting with outreach and a private meeting between myself, the chair, and vice chair.)
[9:20pm] Sayyida: I must be lagging because I have things out of order
[9:20pm] Sayyida: my apologies
[9:21pm] yari: No worries, Sayyida. It's good to clarify. The current topic of discussion is the Outreach committee plan for the National Pirate Conference. If anyone has questions as to this plan, it can be found with the meeting agenda
[9:21pm] yari: https://wiki.uspirates.org/w/index.php?title=PNC_01/30/2022
[9:21pm] papegaai: Title: PNC 01/30/2022 - United States Pirate Party (at wiki.uspirates.org)
[9:21pm] yari: And also jokeefe pasted it above
[9:21pm] yari: We are now opening discussion or debate about this plan, and the chair will accept any motions.
[9:22pm] Sayyida: when are we choosing themes, and is there a new theme every day or weekly theme?
[9:23pm] Wodensday: A conventional theme, to my understanding
[9:23pm] yari: That was the intention of the wording, yes - although perhaps I didn't communicate it very well
[9:23pm] Wodensday: The convention will be themed (possibly).
[9:23pm] jokeefe: Sounds like a good plan. Will need a submissions date for speaker/panel suggestions, but that can be decided later.
[9:24pm] Heydan left the chat room.
[9:24pm] Radiojoe joined the chat room.
[9:24pm] Radiojoe: Hi, I have returned
[9:24pm] Sayyida: ahoy!
[9:24pm] Sayyida: (again)
[9:24pm] yari: Top ten things about this plan are all that it is not as late as the last time we threw this together
[9:25pm] Joe: Always a plus.
[9:26pm] yari: is there any further discussion/debate/motions?
[9:26pm] Sayyida: none from Wisconsin
[9:26pm] Wodensday: I move we accept
[9:26pm] pmchi: Second
[9:26pm] Joe: 2nd
[9:26pm] Joe: 3rd?
[9:27pm] yari: It has been properly moved and seconded that we accept the plan as written. Secretary, is the wording of the current plan clear enough to be actionable for the PNC as a motion?
[9:27pm] Wodensday5 joined the chat room.
[9:28pm] Wodensday5: Me
[9:28pm] jokeefe: Looks legit
[9:28pm] yari: okay, thank you
[9:28pm] yari: in that case, is there debate regarding the acceptance of this as a motion?
[9:28pm] yari: waiting 30 seconds and calling the vote after
[9:29pm] Wodensday left the chat room. (Ping timeout: 2m30s)
[9:29pm] yari: Please vote aye or nay to accept the above motion
[9:29pm] Sayyida: aye
[9:29pm] Wodensday5: Aye
[9:29pm] Joe: Aye
[9:30pm] pmchi: Aye
[9:30pm] yari: Radiojoe, please vote or abstain
[9:30pm] yari: although questions are fine
[9:31pm] yari: Calling the vote - 4 members in favor, one not voted. The motion passes.
[9:32pm] yari: Moving on to the next issue on old business: Discussion of whether discord is the right discussion tool for the national party.
[9:32pm] yari: We had some really useful discussion about this last week
[9:33pm] yari: I appreciated all your insights -  including the understanding that much of the way the current discord is set up is not condusive to our growth.
[9:34pm] yari: We also talked about the setting up of state discord channels/servers
[9:34pm] Joe: If I may?
[9:34pm] yari: Go ahead, Joe
[9:34pm] Joe: The discord was setup by Liz, correct?
[9:34pm] yari: Originally, I believe so.
[9:35pm] Joe: Whom currently has admin access?
[9:35pm] yari: It's been changed a lot since then
[9:35pm] yari: Myself, jokeefe, Bosun...
[9:35pm] Sayyida: Actually I don't remember if it was Liz or Victor
[9:35pm] Sayyida: one of the two started it, then keys were passed
[9:35pm] Wodensday5 left the chat room. (Quit: Connection closed)
[9:35pm] Sayyida: its at least 5 years old
[9:35pm] yari: Your point, Joe?
[9:36pm] yari: We do currently have keys
[9:36pm] Sayyida: again assuming memory is still good
[9:36pm] yari: And have been able to make changes
[9:36pm] Joe: It ties to later points but overall it would fall to you three to overhaul it if need be.
[9:37pm] Wodensday joined the chat room.
[9:37pm] Joe: Or start to simplify it in the least.
[9:37pm] yari: Or whomever else we grant admin access
[9:37pm] Joe: Aye
[9:37pm] Radiojoe: I abstain btw
[9:37pm] yari: okay lol thanks Radiojoe
[9:38pm] Sayyida: yari: I have a suggestion
[9:38pm] Wodensday: While I’m sure I missed a few messages, I would suggest we not make any changes to the discord before we formulate our thoughts a bit better. I’m not quite sure we really have a solid grasp on the problems or solutions, and we may need to narrow the topic down.
[9:38pm] yari: Please go ahead Sayyida
[9:38pm] Sayyida: It might be better to rid the pirate discord of all but PNC status channels.
[9:39pm] Sayyida: I am not phasing this well as i hoped, but removing the state or "zone" channels
[9:39pm] Sayyida: having each state have their own discord, and keeping a standing open link on the discord welcome
[9:40pm] Sayyida: that way once someone joins, instead of roles, just go join your state, it could declutter a lot
[9:40pm] yari: See, this is where I think a forum would do us more good.
[9:40pm] Joe: 2nd
[9:40pm] Wodensday: I have an objection to this, if I may
[9:40pm] yari: Wodensday go ahead
[9:40pm] Radiojoe: 2nd to yary or sayy?
[9:40pm] Radiojoe: yari*
[9:41pm] Joe: Sayy but I am interested in wod's rebuttal.
[9:41pm] Wodensday: I like the idea of state discords. I have one in my back pocket right now. But I would not want to remove the individual channels. Pirates from states who are not organized still need a place to start.
[9:41pm] Wodensday: Maryland would not currently be in talks of forming without the Maryland channel.
[9:42pm] pmchi: I think the state channels are a necessary evil until we have state Discords set up. We could have a giant server sharing channel to link to each state discord, but until each state has one, I think we still need the state channels
[9:42pm] pmchi: To wodensdays point, Maryland for example is using their channel well
[9:42pm] Wodensday: ^^^
[9:42pm] Sayyida: states can communicate via twitter, otherwise why not just do facebook
[9:43pm] Bosun: OK but it is not hard to make and then hand it off.
[9:43pm] Wodensday: That’s not a very effective way to get currently unaffiliated pirates to meet each other.
[9:43pm] carro joined the chat room.
[9:43pm] carro: hello
[9:43pm] Sayyida: discord has the micro growth of facebook and that is extremely unproductive
[9:43pm] Joe: We could go through the process of setting up each state's discord now and hand over the keys as they become ratified.
[9:43pm] yari: Welcome carro, please ID
[9:43pm] pmchi: The more mediums of communication, the better
[9:43pm] carro: richard carro, il, cook cohnty
[9:43pm] yari: Thank you carro
[9:43pm] Sayyida: pmchi: actually i disagree, the more not the better
[9:43pm] Wodensday: The state channels are immediate and are still under the banner of an active discord community. Nobody is going to join a new discord with 0 members under the hopes someone else from Puerto Rico comes in within the next 5 years.
[9:43pm] carro: i dont like how against discord we are
[9:44pm] carro: jt maames nk sense.
[9:44pm] carro: *it makes no sense
[9:44pm] Sayyida: the more mouths, the more talking, the more talking the less consistent information gets
[9:44pm] carro: discord is very simple and easg
[9:44pm] pmchi: As long as there’s active communication and links, I think it’s a good thing. Having a mastodon channel no one uses wouldn’t help, but I really want to drive home the point of a relaybot
[9:44pm] Wodensday: Well, we still want a place for people to talk, no?
[9:44pm] jokeefe: Facebook is not a tool we should rely on. Not everyone wants to join it.
[9:44pm] carro left the chat room. (connection closed)
[9:45pm] Joe: Or can
[9:45pm] Wodensday: Our issue seems to be the mix between casual discussion and actual business. This conversation is about departing them, if I recall correctly.
[9:45pm] Sayyida: its not business in the channels
[9:45pm] Sayyida: most of it is discussions that dont build the party itself
[9:45pm] rc joined the chat room.
[9:45pm] Wodensday: ~jokeefe to that point, someone else had to make an INPP Facebook and guilt me into joining for the good of the cause before I ever stepped foot onto the platform
[9:45pm] Wodensday: I was about to be a never-FBer
[9:46pm] Sayyida: discord is gen zs facebook
[9:46pm] yari: Sayyida not every discussion has to be business - it's actually super useful to have unrelated meme discussions to build a community
[9:46pm] rc: discord is amazing
[9:46pm] yari: rc please ID
[9:46pm] rc: its me richard
[9:46pm] Joe: As Bosun stated, we could setup the states for them
[9:46pm] rc: you can do alot with discord
[9:46pm] Wodensday: That is far more impractical with a chatroom than it is a website
[9:46pm] rc: buisness, etc
[9:46pm] Wodensday: Setting it up for them, I mean
[9:46pm] Joe: And keep the us party as 1 chat
[9:47pm] yari: Okay so let's bring this discussion back to a point please
[9:47pm] Sayyida: discord is a chatroom
[9:47pm] rc: no its not
[9:47pm] yari: Order
[9:47pm] Wodensday: I would like to make a motion
[9:47pm] rc: sayyida, discord can be used for multiple things lmal
[9:47pm] rc: voice, chat, sharing etc
[9:48pm] yari: rc please silence
[9:48pm] pmchi: RelayBot would connect all out channels and have one spot that everyone can talk at while getting to use the app of their choice. I know I keep hammering that home and I know Yari is working on it, but I think it’ll make a world of difference
[9:48pm] yari: pmchi same calling for order
[9:48pm] yari: Wodensday what is your motion
[9:48pm] Wodensday: I motion that this topic is tabled indefinitely until a specific motion is brought forward that can be discussed on its own merits. (This is too broad of a topic.)
[9:49pm] Joe: 2nd
[9:49pm] yari: it has been properly moved and seconded. Any discussion or debate before we move to a vote?
[9:49pm] Bosun: motion to table overides all discussion.
[9:49pm] rc: ok bosun
[9:49pm] rc: hehehs
[9:50pm] yari: thank you for the clarification bosun
[9:50pm] yari: I am forgetting my RONR
[9:50pm] rc: 👑
[9:50pm] rc left the chat room. (connection closed)
[9:50pm] Bosun: Please have RC maintaine decorum.
[9:50pm] yari: okay, in that case, please vote aye or nay to table the discussion indefinitely.
[9:50pm] Wodensday: Aye
[9:50pm] Joe: Aye
[9:50pm] Radiojoe: Aye
[9:50pm] pmchi: Aye
[9:50pm] Sayyida: aye
[9:51pm] yari: The motion passes unanimously.
[9:51pm] yari: Moving on to new business:
[9:51pm] Joe: Motion to add dues to new business for next week
[9:51pm] yari: Request by Secretary that the PNC consider moving NY Pirate Party to probationary status as defined by our By-laws
[9:51pm] yari: Joe please just ask the secretary to do so, you need not move for that
[9:52pm] Joe: My apologies, will do
[9:52pm] Wodensday: Could we receive some information on NY’s condition as a member?
[9:52pm] jokeefe: I will add your topic to next week’s agenda, Joe
[9:52pm] Sayyida: ny has been out of the loop for some time
[9:52pm] Wodensday: I was unaware that it was not yet probationary until this evening.
[9:52pm] Bosun: The last recognized member was Liz.
[9:52pm] pmchi: What would their probationary status grant them versus full status?
[9:52pm] Joe: Disorganized at best, disbanded at worst.
[9:53pm] yari: https://wiki.uspirates.org/w/index.php?title=Pirate_National_Committee_(PNC)/Bylaws#Section_4:_Probation
[9:53pm] yari: This is the section on probation
[9:53pm] Sayyida: disbanded is what it has been called to my knowledge
[9:53pm] jokeefe: State eligibility requires:
[9:53pm] jokeefe: * Appoint one Primary Representative and at least one Alternate Representative, both of whom must be active members of the state’s Pirate Party.
[9:53pm] jokeefe: * Regularly send a Representative to attend PNC meetings.
[9:53pm] jokeefe: * Maintain an active web presence with an easy method of contact by prospective members.
[9:54pm] Joe: Full status means that they can vote, as hayden tried. Even though they did not properly ID
[9:54pm] jokeefe: None of those conditions have been met in quite sometime.
[9:54pm] Sayyida: NY hasnt even met the requirements to be probationary for at least 4 years
[9:54pm] Bosun: The have failed "Regularly send a Representative to attend PNC meetings."
[9:54pm] Sayyida: NY doesn't exist
[9:54pm] Sayyida: the state party that is
[9:54pm] Wodensday: Understood.
[9:54pm] yari: lol the state does, I assure you
[9:54pm] Wodensday: I then motion that we set NY to probationary status.
[9:54pm] pmchi: Allegedly
[9:55pm] yari: motion on the table
[9:55pm] Wodensday: “New” York
[9:55pm] Sayyida: oh most defiantly the state of NY does exist 
[9:55pm] pmchi: Allegedly
[9:55pm] jokeefe: “NY is a state of mind”
[9:55pm] Joe: Then I think our course of action is clear. Beyond current members, I say they are not members.
[9:56pm] Sayyida: Wodensday: are we wanting to vote to clarify if they have status?
[9:56pm] Wodensday: I was under the impression we were voting to move them to probationary under their inability to meet membership requirements.
[9:56pm] yari: They are currently set to be full members of this body
[9:56pm] Wodensday: So, they’ve yet to be moved to probationary.
[9:56pm] Sayyida: it seems a bit redundant to dig up a 4yr old corpse and do an autopsy
[9:56pm] Wodensday: Definite answers are always good.
[9:56pm] yari: It's good to clean out the closet
[9:57pm] yari: I don't think Wodensday is trying to dig up something for answers.
[9:57pm] yari: Sayyida, to be clear: NYPP is currently listed as a full member of the PNC.
[9:57pm] Sayyida: forgive me, I find this insane
[9:57pm] Sayyida: why?
[9:57pm] Sayyida: it isn't and hasnt been for years
[9:57pm] Sayyida: we all know this
[9:57pm] Joe: I think I agree with Sayyida, since we haven't had them here, they don't count.
[9:57pm] Wodensday: Plus, this gives our observer we had today an opportunity to ask the now probationary corpse if he can do anything to help them out.
[9:57pm] yari: Because they were never voted to be moved to probationary
[9:58pm] Sayyida: so burocracy
[9:58pm] Wodensday: This is strictly for decorum.
[9:58pm] yari: exactly
[9:58pm] Sayyida: check box
[9:58pm] yari: exactly
[9:58pm] Wodensday: It’s a good move, even if we don’t expect the renewal to happen.
[9:58pm] Wodensday: I stand by my motion
[9:58pm] Joe: 2nd then
[9:58pm] yari: It has been properly moved and seconded to move NYPP to probationary status. Is there any further discussion or debate before we move to the vote?
[9:59pm] pmchi: Shall we move the others that were once active and no longer? Washington or Oregon?
[9:59pm] Bosun: We should.
[9:59pm] pmchi: To probationary?
[9:59pm] Sayyida: montana
[9:59pm] yari: pmchi would you like to amend the motion?
[10:00pm] yari: jokeefe?
[10:00pm] yari: I defer to you
[10:00pm] Bosun: The intent of the bylaws was that you miss four meeting you become probationary.
[10:00pm] yari: Bosun does that happen automatically?
[10:00pm] jokeefe: The list of active state parties as I know it is at the bottom of uspirates.org.
[10:00pm] Bosun: YES
[10:00pm] Sayyida: which is why im kinda confused
[10:01pm] jokeefe: ACTIVE STATE PARTIES
[10:01pm] jokeefe: California
[10:01pm] jokeefe: Illinois
[10:01pm] jokeefe: Indiana
[10:01pm] jokeefe: Massachusetts
[10:01pm] jokeefe: New York
[10:01pm] jokeefe: Wisconsin
[10:01pm] Radiojoe: Philly?
[10:01pm] Wodensday: The secretary suggested this correct? Could we have their reasoning?
[10:01pm] pmchi: Or should I say: Motion to move all currently inactive states, which were previously voted as PNC members, to probationary status
[10:01pm] jokeefe: Philly isn’t a state
[10:01pm] Sayyida: its 9:01
[10:02pm] Wodensday: Forgive him, he’s a west coaster
[10:02pm] Sayyida: motion to adjourn
[10:02pm] Radiojoe: shoot i mean pennsylvania, sorry, wires swapped
[10:02pm] Joe: Motion to add 10 Minutes to settle the matter and be done with it.
[10:02pm] jokeefe: I don’t think Pennsylvania has been approved yet.
[10:02pm] Sayyida: PA hasnt
[10:02pm] Radiojoe: ok
[10:02pm] Wodensday: I second Joe’s motion
[10:02pm] yari: there's already a motion on the table that we need to resolve somehow before adjourning
[10:03pm] Radiojoe: gtg
[10:03pm] EthanOsborne: requesting to add creation of Kentucky Pirate Party t
[10:03pm] Wodensday: Ah
[10:03pm] Radiojoe left the chat room. (connection closed)
[10:03pm] Wodensday: EthanOsborne, we may have to get to that one later
[10:03pm] yari: 2nded to extend, Ethan you need to apply
[10:03pm] yari: All in favor of extending please vote
[10:03pm] pmchi: Aye
[10:03pm] Sayyida: nay
[10:03pm] Bosun: No. Ky needs to apply and check the boxes.
[10:03pm] Wodensday: Aye
[10:03pm] Joe: So lets vote on ny and if additional staes need to be addressed then we will
[10:04pm] Wodensday: (I led KY astray on this one, I thought we may have time to discuss what he needs for membership)
[10:04pm] Joe: Motion for ny to be moved to probation.
[10:04pm] jokeefe: Motion: It has been properly moved and seconded to move NYPP to probationary status.
[10:04pm] pmchi: Motion to move the following states to probationary status: Florida, Georgia, Oregon and Washington
[10:04pm] yari: Okay so the meeting has been extended.
[10:04pm] yari: jokeefe: we never got your reasoning
[10:05pm] pmchi: Based on Wikipedia (the king of reliable sources), those are former active states
[10:05pm] jokeefe: Sorry, which reasoning?
[10:05pm] yari: EthanOsborne: https://wiki.uspirates.org/w/index.php?title=Pirate_National_Committee_(PNC)/Bylaws#Section_2:_State_Eligibility
[10:05pm] yari: jokeefe: why is NY still on this list? they haven't been active for a while
[10:05pm] yari: Is it just because we haven't voted them off
[10:06pm] jokeefe: aye:
[10:06pm] Wodensday: Is it possible this is an administrative error and that they were never intended to remain?
[10:06pm] Wodensday: If it is true that this is automatic
[10:06pm] jokeefe: A State may be declared, by majority vote of the PNC, a Probationary State if any of the following conditions are met:
[10:06pm] jokeefe: No Representative from the Pirate Party of the State attends two consecutive PNC meetings, or:
[10:06pm] jokeefe: If the Pirate Party of the State no longer meets the requirements set forth in §3 An observer state can apply for probationary status as a stepping-stone to full membership. Art. III §2.
[10:07pm] jokeefe: https://wiki.uspirates.org/w/index.php?title=Pirate_National_Committee_(PNC)/Bylaws#Section_4:_Probation
[10:07pm] yari: It is not automatic
[10:07pm] yari: Bosun was mistaken
[10:07pm] yari: It requires a majority vote of the PNC
[10:07pm] yari: per the probation requirements linked above
[10:07pm] yari: So let's do it
[10:07pm] Bosun: I said the intent ... I can also read the bylaws
[10:07pm] yari: NY is the only one on the list
[10:07pm] jokeefe: Re: Florida, Georgia, Oregon and Washington, I believe they were voted probationary, but it would have been a long-time back.
[10:08pm] yari: so the current motion is to vote NY probationary
[10:08pm] Bosun: Perhaps a friendly ammendment.
[10:08pm] yari: Bosun?
[10:08pm] jokeefe: To add Florida, Georgia, Oregon and Washington, Bosun ?
[10:09pm] yari: Sure, since this body seems fine with it.
[10:09pm] Bosun: If the mover so acceps that we we remove all the statea the have not attended this year so far.
[10:10pm] jokeefe: Joe?
[10:10pm] Joe: I am so moved.
[10:10pm] yari: Is there any discussion or debate on a motion by wodensday and ameded to have New York, Florida, Georgia, Orego, and Washington added to probationary status?
[10:10pm] Wodensday: None here
[10:11pm] yari: Please vote aye or nay to approve the motion as above.
[10:11pm] pmchi: Aye
[10:11pm] Joe: Aye
[10:11pm] Wodensday: Aye
[10:11pm] Sayyida: Wisconsin abstains, out of redundancy and principle 
[10:11pm] Sayyida: good night
[10:11pm] Sayyida left the chat room. (connection closed)
[10:11pm] yari: Three in favor, one abstain.
[10:11pm] yari: Motion passes
[10:12pm] Joe: Motion to adjourn?
[10:12pm] Wodensday: Second
[10:12pm] yari: properly moved and seconded
[10:12pm] yari: all in favor?
[10:12pm] pmchi: Aye
[10:12pm] Joe: Aye
[10:12pm] Bosun: good night.
[10:12pm] Joe: Gn b
[10:12pm] Wodensday: Aye
[10:12pm] yari: With that, this meeting of the PNC is adjourned at 10:12pm EST. Thank you all