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==Meeting Minutes==
==Meeting Minutes==
21:09:46 <DreadPirateDrew> OK well then lets just go with ID's
21:10:01 <yari> oh, Michael is running late, btw
21:10:09 <DreadPirateDrew> Drew Bingaman, USPP Vice, PA Captain
21:10:12 <yari> Rose Klein, CA rep
21:10:23 <DreadPirateDrew> That's fine on Michael, he can jump in when he gets here
21:10:33 <Wanda_FL> Wanda Ward from Florida, Outreach Chair, Vice-Chair of the Young Pirates USA
21:10:45 <iAmV> Sarai "Sopphey {V}ance" Oviedo, Swarmcare Manager, Texas Observer
21:10:47 <haborym> Eric Orzechowicz, auditor and representing Indiana tonight in the absence of Jester
21:10:53 <Ty-> Ty Clifford - WV, Captain.
21:11:06 <iAmV> Ty <3
21:11:10 <Joe> Joseph Onoroski, MAPP, Treasurer, and stuff
21:11:15 <yari> ayyy, Ty!!
21:11:31 <yari> "and stuff"
21:11:31 <Ty-> yari, iAmV hi : ) < 3
21:12:21 pmchi has joined
21:12:29 <yari> mitch!
21:12:35 <iAmV> mitch welcome just in time for ID
21:12:38 <yari> :)
21:12:41 <pmchi> Ahoy!
21:12:50 <pmchi> Sorry I’m at work at lost track of the time lol
21:13:01 <yari> so valid
21:13:02 <pmchi> Mitch Davilo, Chicagoland/ILPP
21:13:37 <DreadPirateDrew> OK cool.  Reports.  who would like to go first
21:14:43 <Wanda_FL> I'll type my outreach report
21:15:19 <Joe> I have my quarterly report due tomorrow. Should be public by tomorrow night.
21:15:41 <Wanda_FL> During the outreach meeting today we talked about talk like a pirate day  We agreed that we should have some people try to attend any pirate events during the day and that we should make resources such as cards and brochures easily available to whoever would like to promote the party in person for the event.
21:15:47 <Wanda_FL>  We also should host a twitter space or the equivalent from other platforms on USPP socials on Talk Like A Pirate Day with speakers from the party to promote our views and allow curious people to ask questions directly to us. If we do this it should be promoted heavily beforehand to ensure that people know about it
21:16:05 <Wanda_FL> We also discussed planning regional meetings
21:16:45 <Wanda_FL> (some of that is copy/pasted from the discord so if it says today it means last Tuesday)
21:17:12 <yari> for IT: we talked more about the process for folks to use and volunteer for different parts of our workflow, and how trainings could be implemented. We decided that working on restructuring the wiki is pretty important because it could be a very useful tool if correctly implemented. By next week, we are going to be reaching out to other committees about doing filmed trainings, and we will be changing the account creation process on the wiki so that it is mor
21:17:28 <yari> more streamlined
21:17:40 <yari> end of IT report
21:18:05 <DreadPirateDrew> Any other reports?
21:18:21 <iAmV> Swarmcare is working with Outreach to plan infosessions for regional/state meetings. Some very valid points were mentioned in platform committee how we don't always have ways to introduce the org to new people. I'm going to relook at a draft for a "You're a pirate, now what" flow-chart. Also, "this week in pirate news" is an open project.
21:19:18 <Wanda_FL> The Young Pirates did not meet this week. I attempted to host a meeting but after ten minutes Addison didnt join nor did anyone else
21:19:41 <DreadPirateDrew> Speaking of introductions.  There was an email from an Evelyn in Utah that just came in, have you guys seen that?
21:19:42 <iAmV> Platform had a good discussion on changing meeting times. Going to try Thurs Aug 3.
21:19:51 <haborym> platform has a new day and time - thursdays at 930EST.  we're still ironing out the specifics but it looks like we're trying to align things like meeting cadence and agenda with the other committees
21:20:02 <iAmV> yes what Eric said
21:20:26 <iAmV> I dont think I'm on that email list yet Drew
21:20:31 <MichaelC_Scribe> hey hey, apologies for lateness again this irc, tech difficulties + my mom is having cancer surgery tomorrow morning and was filling me in on how it was happening.
21:20:37 <Joe> 21:19:41 <DreadPirateDrew> Speaking of introductions.  There was an email from an Evelyn in Utah that just came in, have you guys seen that?
21:20:42 <Joe> I responded
21:20:48 <MichaelC_Scribe> anyway hi, i'm michael, scribe/secretary, and hoping to start a party in new jersey
21:20:49 <DreadPirateDrew> Thank you Joe
21:20:59 <iAmV> Michael <3 no worries
21:21:04 <Joe> Drew, what is your email?
21:21:05 <yari> V, I will make a note and double check the lists.
21:21:19 <DreadPirateDrew> Captain@papirates.org
21:21:58 <yari> On a separate note: I am working on the anti-bullying language for adding to social media guidelines, and will be sending that for editing to those who volunteered... probably tonight. If you don't hear from me ping me.
21:22:08 <MichaelC_Scribe> also apologies the agenda isn't completely up to date when it comes to committee reports, i hoped to get that done before hopping on but of course was running late.
21:22:30 <DreadPirateDrew> IRC is in print.  That should help Michael.
21:22:37 <haborym> i'll do a better job of getting my report to michael in advance next week
21:22:46 <iAmV> same
21:22:56 <yari> same same
21:23:18 <MichaelC_Scribe> habo, remind me again who you are. i keep forgetting the irc names lol
21:23:28 <haborym> eric
21:23:52 <yari> Michael if you need that for the records, I have all the IDs at the top I can copy paste for ya
21:24:11 <MichaelC_Scribe> it's all good, i can see the chat history :)
21:24:15 <yari> coool
21:24:17 <MichaelC_Scribe> thank you though
21:24:20 <yari> ye
21:24:26 <pmchi> Hey no I’m not buying the Evelyn thing btw. I have reason to not believe the account so please be weary of future interactions
21:24:51 <iAmV> noted
21:24:57 <DreadPirateDrew> Noted Mitch
21:25:01 <Joe> I respond then forward the info on.
21:25:01 <Wanda_FL> why?
21:25:23 <MichaelC_Scribe> wait is that the same evelyn from the discord that joined a bit ago?
21:25:29 <Joe> Still duty bound to respond though it very well could be fake.
21:25:36 <iAmV> sorry what is pending on the agenda that is urgent
21:26:03 <pmchi> Previous issues with similar characters of a patterned behavior. The account that joined the discord is awful suspicious. Please be weary about the account and who you are interacting with
21:26:05 <MichaelC_Scribe> because i know there was an evelyn the pirate that joined the discord the other day
21:26:16 <MichaelC_Scribe> sounds good mitch
21:27:01 <DreadPirateDrew> OK, any other reports for the record?  If not we can move to old business
21:28:53 <MichaelC_Scribe> afaik nothing from me specifically. though i did chat with platform committee and we settled on thursdays at 9:30 for platform meetings, if that counts
21:29:07 <MichaelC_Scribe> idk if that was mentioned already or not but thought i'd share it just in case
21:29:26 <pmchi> I shall be afk for a moment. IL abstains from votes (if applicable) until I return. My apologies, my job duties call lol
21:29:38 <MichaelC_Scribe> nvm
21:29:47 <MichaelC_Scribe> i see it was discussed earlier i'm blind lol
21:30:16 <yari> move on?
21:30:25 <iAmV> i'd sayso
21:30:36 <DreadPirateDrew> Yes, what is top of our old business Michael?
21:30:36 <iAmV> we need to start making moves on our events
21:30:52 <iAmV> and 12 week plan lol
21:31:38 <yari> Eric is doing platform committee stuff for now at least so propose tabling platform committee chair for another week
21:31:57 <yari> bc I agree with V, gotta get moving on events
21:32:06 <DreadPirateDrew> is there a second?
21:32:08 <haborym> we do need to decide on who is going to officially chair the platform committee, though
21:32:14 <haborym> not tonight, but at some time
21:32:17 <Joe> I am glad Eric took it over.
21:32:22 <yari> thus the tabling
21:32:28 <haborym> second
21:33:01 <yari> call the vote
21:33:07 <Joe> ^
21:33:21 <DreadPirateDrew> That is motioned and seconded
21:33:23 <MichaelC_Scribe> yeah sorry i meant to move platform committee chair vacancy more toward the bottom (and rearrange old business in general) but haven't gotten to get around to it in the past week.
21:33:34 <DreadPirateDrew> all in favor?
21:33:37 <DreadPirateDrew> of tabling
21:33:40 <yari> aye
21:33:45 <Joe> Aye
21:34:15 <DreadPirateDrew> Mitch is on hold, PA votes Aye
21:34:18 <haborym> aye
21:34:39 <DreadPirateDrew> Any other votes?
21:34:56 <yari> I believe that's our members for now
21:35:07 <DreadPirateDrew> If not the ayes have it and the chair vote is tabled
21:35:14 <DreadPirateDrew> Events
21:35:23 <yari> Security camera walk?
21:35:27 <DreadPirateDrew> 911
21:35:30 <DreadPirateDrew> yes
21:35:31 <yari> yup
21:35:52 <iAmV> part of me wants to know if we should do a whole meeting per event this week
21:36:04 <iAmV> unfortunately that would be 2 meetings. or a meeting for just events
21:36:15 <yari> I think we should do at least one
21:36:32 <iAmV> should we make a poll to see when everyone can attend?
21:36:35 <DreadPirateDrew> I will volunteer to do a short video with someone to do a video tutorial of our app/software for mapping.  I would be the guinea pig.  as I haven't used the software
21:36:55 <MichaelC_Scribe> i can also volunteer
21:37:10 <yari> that sounds like a great idea
21:37:11 <MichaelC_Scribe> unless you'd prefer to have someone more familiar with the app and then a guinea pig
21:37:24 <Joe> Afk for a minute
21:37:26 <iAmV> will you have time next week?
21:37:30 <iAmV> for that video?
21:37:33 <MichaelC_Scribe> me? or drew?
21:37:35 <MichaelC_Scribe> or both?
21:37:43 <DreadPirateDrew> Was thinking at least one person who knows the software and one guinea pig
21:37:44 <iAmV> both drew & michael
21:37:56 <yari> it's OSM, y'all should be good without much familiarity
21:37:57 <DreadPirateDrew> If we set a time, I can be available. 
21:38:01 <MichaelC_Scribe> i would be. though i also am unfamiliar with the software so
21:38:21 <MichaelC_Scribe> having said that... idk how hard it would be to learn so i could learn it behind the scenes if it's not too hard and then have drew be my guinea pig
21:38:35 <yari> it's easier to use than wikipedia
21:38:36 <Wanda_FL> OpenStreetMap?
21:38:39 <yari> yep
21:38:55 <yari> the camera map is just an overlay on OpenStreetMap
21:39:23 <DreadPirateDrew> specifically the mapping of the camera function.  this may be a quick thing.  but I think it is important to do a tutorial especially if we're promoting it.
21:39:24 <Wanda_FL> oh i know how to use that
21:39:34 <Wanda_FL> are you just making a point on the map?
21:39:43 <Wanda_FL> for the place the cam is
21:40:01 <yari> pretty much
21:40:18 <yari> there's a specific sub-map, an overlay list that you're adding it to
21:40:23 <Joe> It's very user-friendly
21:40:56 <DreadPirateDrew> It could be as easy as something that can go in a short/reel/tiktok
21:41:15 <DreadPirateDrew> Those are great for promo, and also be informative
21:41:33 <yari> Wanda would you be able to offer to help Drew & Michael?
21:41:35 <Wanda_FL> If yall make a short I'd make sure to share it on twitter so people can retweet it
21:41:39 <iAmV> can someone make a text instruction?
21:41:47 <iAmV> some of us are not good at videos ;;__;;
21:41:49 <yari> V, I think we already have that
21:41:53 <Wanda_FL> Oh I dont know if I would be much help tbh
21:41:56 <iAmV> we do!
21:41:56 <Joe> I can see if Jamie has it.
21:41:59 <MichaelC_Scribe> okay yeah i'd rather not be involved in tiktok so you can do that drew (/hj)
21:42:04 <Wanda_FL> Im not good at explaining things
21:42:15 <MichaelC_Scribe> tbf wanda neither am i
21:42:23 <MichaelC_Scribe> must be a neurodivergent thing lol
21:42:38 <DreadPirateDrew> That's why I use AI.
21:42:45 <Joe> https://cctv.masspirates.org/index.php?infos=yes
21:42:47 <papegaai> Title: The CCTV map (extracted from OpenStreetMap) (at cctv.masspirates.org)
21:42:55 <yari> it is until you practice it obsessively
21:42:55 <Joe> Found it
21:42:56 <Wanda_FL> you implying something about me?? /j
21:43:22 <iAmV> i didnt know what i was expecting
21:43:43 <yari> it's a map of where cameras are
21:43:48 <yari> lol
21:43:57 <yari> that's it
21:44:01 <MichaelC_Scribe> come to think of it, i wonder if there are any security cameras in the town near me
21:44:07 <yari> there are
21:44:13 <iAmV> i have to think of why these instructions are giving me a headache later
21:44:22 <MichaelC_Scribe> that's scary to think yari lol
21:44:31 <MichaelC_Scribe> because i definitely haven't noticed them
21:44:34 <iAmV> i see them all the time
21:44:36 <DreadPirateDrew> I am sure there are.  Which is why this doesn't need to be an event that has a location.  It's a national project.
21:44:41 <Joe> They have cameras everywhere.
21:44:58 <Joe> International project*
21:45:04 <DreadPirateDrew> True Joe.
21:45:06 <iAmV> i always made a point of doing things in front of the camera when i was in the hospital. like talking to the nurses.
21:45:09 <iAmV> bc sus
21:45:37 <Wanda_FL> if there are people there are cameras
21:45:55 <iAmV> ok so. i can help make little videos too
21:46:00 <iAmV> of how to map cameras
21:46:12 <iAmV> i'm a natural on tiktok
21:46:20 <yari> So Drew and V on video?
21:46:29 <iAmV> will we be able to meet this week to plan more for the other events
21:46:37 <Joe> https://youtu.be/nc8CiyBCg-Y
21:46:38 <papegaai> Title: tobyMac - Somebody's Watching (Painter Remix) - YouTube (at youtu.be)
21:47:06 <yari> V, I don't want to spend time trying to schedule something right now
21:47:22 <iAmV> sounds great. when do we schedule it
21:47:31 <yari> but I can just put a poll on discord right after this
21:47:34 <yari> and ping everyone
21:47:42 <iAmV> <3 i love it
21:48:25 <yari> The other thing I think is important is that we all do something for our own city organizing
21:48:30 <Joe> Sorry for the tangents
21:48:49 <yari> its cool, Joe - they're funny, I just can only type so much
21:49:40 <yari> Mitch made a really cool potential poster that I think we can use/adapt which is in the channel on discord
21:49:43 <iAmV> i'm at 20% battery for the day lol. sleepy time soon.
21:50:08 <Joe> Motion to adjourn early?
21:50:37 <DreadPirateDrew> Is there a second?
21:50:50 <yari> eh, sure
21:50:51 <yari> second
21:51:12 <DreadPirateDrew> All in favor?
21:51:15 <yari> aye
21:51:17 <Joe> Aye
21:51:21 <haborym> aye
21:51:29 <DreadPirateDrew> PA is an Aye
21:52:02 <DreadPirateDrew> Thinking that will do it. 
21:52:23 <iAmV> goodnight friends <3
21:52:25 <Joe> Good night everyone!

Revision as of 22:11, 30 July 2023

July 30th, 2023









Old Business

  • vacancy for chair of platform committee
  • Security Camera Walk for September 11, 2023
  • Three Month Plan
    • Make plan
    • Add ways to help our three committees be self sufficient by the end of the three months to the three month plan (stretch goal is to include the press committee)
  • Talk Like A Pirate Day 2023 - Planning

New Business





Old Business

New Business

Meeting Minutes

21:09:46 <DreadPirateDrew> OK well then lets just go with ID's 21:10:01 <yari> oh, Michael is running late, btw 21:10:09 <DreadPirateDrew> Drew Bingaman, USPP Vice, PA Captain 21:10:12 <yari> Rose Klein, CA rep 21:10:23 <DreadPirateDrew> That's fine on Michael, he can jump in when he gets here 21:10:33 <Wanda_FL> Wanda Ward from Florida, Outreach Chair, Vice-Chair of the Young Pirates USA 21:10:45 <iAmV> Sarai "Sopphey {V}ance" Oviedo, Swarmcare Manager, Texas Observer 21:10:47 <haborym> Eric Orzechowicz, auditor and representing Indiana tonight in the absence of Jester 21:10:53 <Ty-> Ty Clifford - WV, Captain. 21:11:06 <iAmV> Ty <3 21:11:10 <Joe> Joseph Onoroski, MAPP, Treasurer, and stuff 21:11:15 <yari> ayyy, Ty!! 21:11:31 <yari> "and stuff" 21:11:31 <Ty-> yari, iAmV hi : ) < 3 21:12:21 pmchi has joined 21:12:29 <yari> mitch! 21:12:35 <iAmV> mitch welcome just in time for ID 21:12:38 <yari> :) 21:12:41 <pmchi> Ahoy! 21:12:50 <pmchi> Sorry I’m at work at lost track of the time lol 21:13:01 <yari> so valid 21:13:02 <pmchi> Mitch Davilo, Chicagoland/ILPP 21:13:37 <DreadPirateDrew> OK cool. Reports. who would like to go first 21:14:43 <Wanda_FL> I'll type my outreach report 21:15:19 <Joe> I have my quarterly report due tomorrow. Should be public by tomorrow night. 21:15:41 <Wanda_FL> During the outreach meeting today we talked about talk like a pirate day We agreed that we should have some people try to attend any pirate events during the day and that we should make resources such as cards and brochures easily available to whoever would like to promote the party in person for the event. 21:15:47 <Wanda_FL> We also should host a twitter space or the equivalent from other platforms on USPP socials on Talk Like A Pirate Day with speakers from the party to promote our views and allow curious people to ask questions directly to us. If we do this it should be promoted heavily beforehand to ensure that people know about it 21:16:05 <Wanda_FL> We also discussed planning regional meetings 21:16:45 <Wanda_FL> (some of that is copy/pasted from the discord so if it says today it means last Tuesday) 21:17:12 <yari> for IT: we talked more about the process for folks to use and volunteer for different parts of our workflow, and how trainings could be implemented. We decided that working on restructuring the wiki is pretty important because it could be a very useful tool if correctly implemented. By next week, we are going to be reaching out to other committees about doing filmed trainings, and we will be changing the account creation process on the wiki so that it is mor 21:17:28 <yari> more streamlined 21:17:40 <yari> end of IT report 21:18:05 <DreadPirateDrew> Any other reports? 21:18:21 <iAmV> Swarmcare is working with Outreach to plan infosessions for regional/state meetings. Some very valid points were mentioned in platform committee how we don't always have ways to introduce the org to new people. I'm going to relook at a draft for a "You're a pirate, now what" flow-chart. Also, "this week in pirate news" is an open project. 21:19:18 <Wanda_FL> The Young Pirates did not meet this week. I attempted to host a meeting but after ten minutes Addison didnt join nor did anyone else 21:19:41 <DreadPirateDrew> Speaking of introductions. There was an email from an Evelyn in Utah that just came in, have you guys seen that? 21:19:42 <iAmV> Platform had a good discussion on changing meeting times. Going to try Thurs Aug 3. 21:19:51 <haborym> platform has a new day and time - thursdays at 930EST. we're still ironing out the specifics but it looks like we're trying to align things like meeting cadence and agenda with the other committees 21:20:02 <iAmV> yes what Eric said 21:20:26 <iAmV> I dont think I'm on that email list yet Drew 21:20:31 <MichaelC_Scribe> hey hey, apologies for lateness again this irc, tech difficulties + my mom is having cancer surgery tomorrow morning and was filling me in on how it was happening. 21:20:37 <Joe> 21:19:41 <DreadPirateDrew> Speaking of introductions. There was an email from an Evelyn in Utah that just came in, have you guys seen that? 21:20:42 <Joe> I responded 21:20:48 <MichaelC_Scribe> anyway hi, i'm michael, scribe/secretary, and hoping to start a party in new jersey 21:20:49 <DreadPirateDrew> Thank you Joe 21:20:59 <iAmV> Michael <3 no worries 21:21:04 <Joe> Drew, what is your email? 21:21:05 <yari> V, I will make a note and double check the lists. 21:21:19 <DreadPirateDrew> Captain@papirates.org 21:21:58 <yari> On a separate note: I am working on the anti-bullying language for adding to social media guidelines, and will be sending that for editing to those who volunteered... probably tonight. If you don't hear from me ping me. 21:22:08 <MichaelC_Scribe> also apologies the agenda isn't completely up to date when it comes to committee reports, i hoped to get that done before hopping on but of course was running late. 21:22:30 <DreadPirateDrew> IRC is in print. That should help Michael. 21:22:37 <haborym> i'll do a better job of getting my report to michael in advance next week 21:22:46 <iAmV> same 21:22:56 <yari> same same 21:23:18 <MichaelC_Scribe> habo, remind me again who you are. i keep forgetting the irc names lol 21:23:28 <haborym> eric 21:23:52 <yari> Michael if you need that for the records, I have all the IDs at the top I can copy paste for ya 21:24:11 <MichaelC_Scribe> it's all good, i can see the chat history :) 21:24:15 <yari> coool 21:24:17 <MichaelC_Scribe> thank you though 21:24:20 <yari> ye 21:24:26 <pmchi> Hey no I’m not buying the Evelyn thing btw. I have reason to not believe the account so please be weary of future interactions 21:24:51 <iAmV> noted 21:24:57 <DreadPirateDrew> Noted Mitch 21:25:01 <Joe> I respond then forward the info on. 21:25:01 <Wanda_FL> why? 21:25:23 <MichaelC_Scribe> wait is that the same evelyn from the discord that joined a bit ago? 21:25:29 <Joe> Still duty bound to respond though it very well could be fake. 21:25:36 <iAmV> sorry what is pending on the agenda that is urgent 21:26:03 <pmchi> Previous issues with similar characters of a patterned behavior. The account that joined the discord is awful suspicious. Please be weary about the account and who you are interacting with 21:26:05 <MichaelC_Scribe> because i know there was an evelyn the pirate that joined the discord the other day 21:26:16 <MichaelC_Scribe> sounds good mitch 21:27:01 <DreadPirateDrew> OK, any other reports for the record? If not we can move to old business 21:28:53 <MichaelC_Scribe> afaik nothing from me specifically. though i did chat with platform committee and we settled on thursdays at 9:30 for platform meetings, if that counts 21:29:07 <MichaelC_Scribe> idk if that was mentioned already or not but thought i'd share it just in case 21:29:26 <pmchi> I shall be afk for a moment. IL abstains from votes (if applicable) until I return. My apologies, my job duties call lol 21:29:38 <MichaelC_Scribe> nvm 21:29:47 <MichaelC_Scribe> i see it was discussed earlier i'm blind lol 21:30:16 <yari> move on? 21:30:25 <iAmV> i'd sayso 21:30:36 <DreadPirateDrew> Yes, what is top of our old business Michael? 21:30:36 <iAmV> we need to start making moves on our events 21:30:52 <iAmV> and 12 week plan lol 21:31:38 <yari> Eric is doing platform committee stuff for now at least so propose tabling platform committee chair for another week 21:31:57 <yari> bc I agree with V, gotta get moving on events 21:32:06 <DreadPirateDrew> is there a second? 21:32:08 <haborym> we do need to decide on who is going to officially chair the platform committee, though 21:32:14 <haborym> not tonight, but at some time 21:32:17 <Joe> I am glad Eric took it over. 21:32:22 <yari> thus the tabling 21:32:28 <haborym> second 21:33:01 <yari> call the vote 21:33:07 <Joe> ^ 21:33:21 <DreadPirateDrew> That is motioned and seconded 21:33:23 <MichaelC_Scribe> yeah sorry i meant to move platform committee chair vacancy more toward the bottom (and rearrange old business in general) but haven't gotten to get around to it in the past week. 21:33:34 <DreadPirateDrew> all in favor? 21:33:37 <DreadPirateDrew> of tabling 21:33:40 <yari> aye 21:33:45 <Joe> Aye 21:34:15 <DreadPirateDrew> Mitch is on hold, PA votes Aye 21:34:18 <haborym> aye 21:34:39 <DreadPirateDrew> Any other votes? 21:34:56 <yari> I believe that's our members for now 21:35:07 <DreadPirateDrew> If not the ayes have it and the chair vote is tabled 21:35:14 <DreadPirateDrew> Events 21:35:23 <yari> Security camera walk? 21:35:27 <DreadPirateDrew> 911 21:35:30 <DreadPirateDrew> yes 21:35:31 <yari> yup 21:35:52 <iAmV> part of me wants to know if we should do a whole meeting per event this week 21:36:04 <iAmV> unfortunately that would be 2 meetings. or a meeting for just events 21:36:15 <yari> I think we should do at least one 21:36:32 <iAmV> should we make a poll to see when everyone can attend? 21:36:35 <DreadPirateDrew> I will volunteer to do a short video with someone to do a video tutorial of our app/software for mapping. I would be the guinea pig. as I haven't used the software 21:36:55 <MichaelC_Scribe> i can also volunteer 21:37:10 <yari> that sounds like a great idea 21:37:11 <MichaelC_Scribe> unless you'd prefer to have someone more familiar with the app and then a guinea pig 21:37:24 <Joe> Afk for a minute 21:37:26 <iAmV> will you have time next week? 21:37:30 <iAmV> for that video? 21:37:33 <MichaelC_Scribe> me? or drew? 21:37:35 <MichaelC_Scribe> or both? 21:37:43 <DreadPirateDrew> Was thinking at least one person who knows the software and one guinea pig 21:37:44 <iAmV> both drew & michael 21:37:56 <yari> it's OSM, y'all should be good without much familiarity 21:37:57 <DreadPirateDrew> If we set a time, I can be available. 21:38:01 <MichaelC_Scribe> i would be. though i also am unfamiliar with the software so 21:38:21 <MichaelC_Scribe> having said that... idk how hard it would be to learn so i could learn it behind the scenes if it's not too hard and then have drew be my guinea pig 21:38:35 <yari> it's easier to use than wikipedia 21:38:36 <Wanda_FL> OpenStreetMap? 21:38:39 <yari> yep 21:38:55 <yari> the camera map is just an overlay on OpenStreetMap 21:39:23 <DreadPirateDrew> specifically the mapping of the camera function. this may be a quick thing. but I think it is important to do a tutorial especially if we're promoting it. 21:39:24 <Wanda_FL> oh i know how to use that 21:39:34 <Wanda_FL> are you just making a point on the map? 21:39:43 <Wanda_FL> for the place the cam is 21:40:01 <yari> pretty much 21:40:18 <yari> there's a specific sub-map, an overlay list that you're adding it to 21:40:23 <Joe> It's very user-friendly 21:40:56 <DreadPirateDrew> It could be as easy as something that can go in a short/reel/tiktok 21:41:15 <DreadPirateDrew> Those are great for promo, and also be informative 21:41:33 <yari> Wanda would you be able to offer to help Drew & Michael? 21:41:35 <Wanda_FL> If yall make a short I'd make sure to share it on twitter so people can retweet it 21:41:39 <iAmV> can someone make a text instruction? 21:41:47 <iAmV> some of us are not good at videos ;;__;; 21:41:49 <yari> V, I think we already have that 21:41:53 <Wanda_FL> Oh I dont know if I would be much help tbh 21:41:56 <iAmV> we do! 21:41:56 <Joe> I can see if Jamie has it. 21:41:59 <MichaelC_Scribe> okay yeah i'd rather not be involved in tiktok so you can do that drew (/hj) 21:42:04 <Wanda_FL> Im not good at explaining things 21:42:15 <MichaelC_Scribe> tbf wanda neither am i 21:42:23 <MichaelC_Scribe> must be a neurodivergent thing lol 21:42:38 <DreadPirateDrew> That's why I use AI. 21:42:45 <Joe> https://cctv.masspirates.org/index.php?infos=yes 21:42:47 <papegaai> Title: The CCTV map (extracted from OpenStreetMap) (at cctv.masspirates.org) 21:42:55 <yari> it is until you practice it obsessively 21:42:55 <Joe> Found it 21:42:56 <Wanda_FL> you implying something about me?? /j 21:43:22 <iAmV> i didnt know what i was expecting 21:43:43 <yari> it's a map of where cameras are 21:43:48 <yari> lol 21:43:57 <yari> that's it 21:44:01 <MichaelC_Scribe> come to think of it, i wonder if there are any security cameras in the town near me 21:44:07 <yari> there are 21:44:13 <iAmV> i have to think of why these instructions are giving me a headache later 21:44:22 <MichaelC_Scribe> that's scary to think yari lol 21:44:31 <MichaelC_Scribe> because i definitely haven't noticed them 21:44:34 <iAmV> i see them all the time 21:44:36 <DreadPirateDrew> I am sure there are. Which is why this doesn't need to be an event that has a location. It's a national project. 21:44:41 <Joe> They have cameras everywhere. 21:44:58 <Joe> International project* 21:45:04 <DreadPirateDrew> True Joe. 21:45:06 <iAmV> i always made a point of doing things in front of the camera when i was in the hospital. like talking to the nurses. 21:45:09 <iAmV> bc sus 21:45:37 <Wanda_FL> if there are people there are cameras 21:45:55 <iAmV> ok so. i can help make little videos too 21:46:00 <iAmV> of how to map cameras 21:46:12 <iAmV> i'm a natural on tiktok 21:46:20 <yari> So Drew and V on video? 21:46:29 <iAmV> will we be able to meet this week to plan more for the other events 21:46:37 <Joe> https://youtu.be/nc8CiyBCg-Y 21:46:38 <papegaai> Title: tobyMac - Somebody's Watching (Painter Remix) - YouTube (at youtu.be) 21:47:06 <yari> V, I don't want to spend time trying to schedule something right now 21:47:22 <iAmV> sounds great. when do we schedule it 21:47:31 <yari> but I can just put a poll on discord right after this 21:47:34 <yari> and ping everyone 21:47:42 <iAmV> <3 i love it 21:48:25 <yari> The other thing I think is important is that we all do something for our own city organizing 21:48:30 <Joe> Sorry for the tangents 21:48:49 <yari> its cool, Joe - they're funny, I just can only type so much 21:49:40 <yari> Mitch made a really cool potential poster that I think we can use/adapt which is in the channel on discord 21:49:43 <iAmV> i'm at 20% battery for the day lol. sleepy time soon. 21:50:08 <Joe> Motion to adjourn early? 21:50:37 <DreadPirateDrew> Is there a second? 21:50:50 <yari> eh, sure 21:50:51 <yari> second 21:51:12 <DreadPirateDrew> All in favor? 21:51:15 <yari> aye 21:51:17 <Joe> Aye 21:51:21 <haborym> aye 21:51:29 <DreadPirateDrew> PA is an Aye 21:52:02 <DreadPirateDrew> Thinking that will do it. 21:52:23 <iAmV> goodnight friends <3 21:52:25 <Joe> Good night everyone!