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*CA proposed a motion to create an election committee to hold the election for the position of chair via Jitsi on September 3rd.
**Yari, V, Bug, and Johnny volunteered
*Discussion was held about the progress made and next steps required for the two upcoming events
==Meeting Minutes==
==Meeting Minutes==
21:00:30 <DreadPirateDrew> Alright, by my time it's now 9pm EST so let's begin with ID's
<DreadPirateDrew> Drew Bingaman Captain of the PA Pirates, Vice of the USPP, acting Captain
<iAmV> Sarai "Sopphey {V}ance" Oviedo, Swarmcare Manager of USPP, Observing for Texas
<keithg> Keith Goldstein, cofound of Pirate Party of Israel, General Secretary of Pirate Parties International.
<JohnnyLemuria> John L Robinson, secretary for the PA Pirates.
<DreadPirateDrew> FYI Johnny will be representing PA while I am occupied with the Chair role.
<iAmV> Great to have you here Johnny
<JohnnyLemuria> Thank you
<DreadPirateDrew> Other ID's? So far I only have one voting member.
<haborym> Eric Orzechowicz - auditor and am I representing Indiana today?
<Bug-Indiana> i'm here but idk if i say anything tbh
<justin> Justin representing Delaware
<iAmV> Bug, an ID will let you brainstorm and participate. Voting is for state reps in the PNC
<DreadPirateDrew> OK well, we can roll into reports, I know Yari should be joining us soon.
<Bug-Indiana> thansk, apologies
<iAmV> You're good! My first meeting I just quietly watched
<DreadPirateDrew> IT report?
<DreadPirateDrew> or outreach?
<iAmV> I don't have reports, but outreach has a movie screening this week
<haborym> i can make it simple - platform didn't have much of a meeting so nothing to report there
<DreadPirateDrew> Jester and Wanda, ID's please
<Wanda_FL> apologies for being late, Wanda of Florida, Outreach Chair
<DreadPirateDrew> Thank you Wanda
<Jester> Ashley Melody, Indiana Pirate Party
<DreadPirateDrew> Jester, are you repping Indiana tonight?
<DreadPirateDrew> We had just started with reports, not much in so far but if either of you has anything to add, please do.
<Wanda_FL> Outreach Committee met briefly this week, nothing of major note was discussed
<DreadPirateDrew> OK great thank you. anything from platform this week?
<Neptunian> Addison Dillon, WA
<haborym> nope. as mentioned above, we had a low turnout at our meeting so not enough to make progress on anything worth reporting
<DreadPirateDrew> OK thank you. Obviously, the big news from the officers is that our Captain has resigned, meaning I will be filling in while we elect a new captain.
<DreadPirateDrew> Which is an agenda item for new business
<DreadPirateDrew> any other reports from officers?
<iAmV> Kind of old business,but swarmcare was trying to get a"this week in pirate news". Also getting meetings set up and representing the boatd
<iAmV> *board
<yari> Rose Klein, CA rep, acting secretary
<Jester> Sorry I am back, if we don’t have another Indiana rep I guess I will rep IN
<DreadPirateDrew> THanks Yari, is there anything from IT this week?
<yari> just some updates done, not much else
<Jester> Back again
<yari> keeping the ship afloat, as it were
<DreadPirateDrew> OK all good. Just keep trying Jester...
<yari> I have a misc report
<DreadPirateDrew> go for it Yari
<yari> Just an update that I had forgotten about and then re-discovered my notes this week on the anti-bullying resolution we are hoping to bring to the PNC. Planning to contact those who volunteered to edit with a draft this week.
<yari> that's all
<DreadPirateDrew> Thank you
<keithg> I'm just a visitor atm, but I can give a short report on PPI activities in the USA.
<DreadPirateDrew> We have 3 items on the agenda that we should discuss, Talk like a pirate day, the 9/11 camera mapping event, and Chair election
<DreadPirateDrew> Keith, that would be great if you would like to share
<yari> I would love to hear about PPI stuff
<DreadPirateDrew> Since our time is short I am looking for consensus on what item you all would like to start with tonight
<keithg> very quickly I share that we are participating in the Ad Hoc Committee to Elaborate a Comprehensive International Convention on Countering the Use of Information and Communications Technologies for Criminal Purposes in NY next week.
<DreadPirateDrew> I believe all three are important, and all have time pressures
<yari> Drew, I can make a motion w/r/t the chair election to get that out of the way
<keithg> As I mentioned on Discord, PPI has membership in the UN ECOSOC, WTO, and other organizations. and we hope that USPP members can attend some conferences.
<keithg> that's it from me. :)
<iAmV> Definitely something USPP can do.
<yari> kieth, if you ping @moderators in the discord when you post info about events, we can make sure the appropriate people are notified and even put out a whole USPP blast
<DreadPirateDrew> Thanks to both of you. Yari, I am ready to hear that although I am not positive we have quorum for votes
<Jester> I am here if you needed confirmation on me
<DreadPirateDrew> I have IN, PA, and CA at the moment
<DreadPirateDrew> You are inclusive in that Jester
<yari> checking bylaws but I believe 3 is technically quorum by the skin of our teeth
<iAmV> Thank you bylaws dieties
<Wanda_FL> I thought I saw Mitch in the list but idk if he IDed or is im just seeing things
<DreadPirateDrew> Then let's move forward with your motion
<haborym> i second
<haborym> oops...disregard. forgot i'm not IN tonight
<Jester> I second
<yari> yeah we are good
<yari> actually since we have so many observers here, we are even more within quorum
<yari> observers help with counting toward it
<DreadPirateDrew> OK cool, then I am patiently awaiting your motion
Dausume has joined
<yari> okay, I move that we create an election committee (since that's what we need to do anyway) to hold an election for the position of chair, to be held on September 3rd over Jitsi.
<iAmV> Cool
<yari> That gives us at least two weeks to organize it, which I feel is needed
<JohnnyLemuria> seconded
<yari> and it should be held over jitsi, I think
<DreadPirateDrew> Thank you Johnny. Then we can move into discussion on the topic
<yari> I am on the fence of whether this should include public vote or not
<DreadPirateDrew> Do we have volunteers for the election committee?
<iAmV> I'm curious if those who ran in the spring will run again
<yari> I volunteer
<Bug-Indiana> idk if i can, but i'd voulenteer if possible-
<yari> here's the thing. bylaws say that "During all other times of year, representatives of the PNC shall be the only eligible voters in an officer election."
<Wanda_FL> I have a question Yari
<DreadPirateDrew> I don't think the bylaws allow votes outside the PNC for a vacancy do they?
<yari> exactly drew
<DreadPirateDrew> Go ahead Wanda, we're in open discussion of this topic
<yari> so if we did any sort of public polling, it would *have* to be only polling
<iAmV> The bylaws definitely need PNC members for the vote
<yari> *not* suggesting bylaws change! to be clear!
<yari> we already debated this lol
<Wanda_FL> Will observers be able to nominate candidates as with the Swarmcare Opening?
<yari> that is, technically, up to the election committee
<Wanda_FL> I see
<yari> But I see no reason that the committee would suggest otherwise
<yari> and I would certainly push for that
<iAmV> I'll volunteer for election committee
<DreadPirateDrew> I would like if the election committee accepts any and all nominations (legit)
<DreadPirateDrew> V and Yari so far on the committee, Do we have one more volunteer?
<yari> we need 3
<iAmV> Bug can volunteer, right? Does Bug need to ID?
<JohnnyLemuria> I can volunteer
<iAmV> Cool cool cool
<yari> Bug can volunteer. I think bug would need to ID for that.
<Bug-Indiana> heck, how do you do an ID?
<DreadPirateDrew> Just say who you are and where you are from
<yari> given name and state!
<DreadPirateDrew> Thank you Johnny for volunteering
<Bug-Indiana> oh okay! cool- Bug, Indiana
<DreadPirateDrew> So we have three. maybe four?
<iAmV> That's a good number
<yari> *not given name, sorry - lived name aaa
<Bug-Indiana> i'd like to voulenteer if possible too, yeah
<Bug-Indiana> wait whats the difference? fnfunf
<iAmV> So m
<iAmV> I go by my own name and my birth name
<yari> 'given name' usually refers to birth name
<iAmV> So if you have a dead name, don't use that
<yari> 'lived name' is what you go by
<Bug-Indiana> awesome, thank you! cool, so i did it right
<iAmV> ^
<yari> anyway we have 4!
<Bug-Indiana> sorry for interrupting
<yari> I will message everyone on discord I guess
<iAmV> Thank you yari
<yari> that is my whole motion and everything
<DreadPirateDrew> Any other discussion on this motion?
<Jester> I have nothing to say
<Bug-Indiana> not from me, no
<DreadPirateDrew> If no objections, then we will call the question and vote.
<DreadPirateDrew> Indiana
<Ty-> I apologize for my tardiness. Ty Clifford, WV Captain (just wanted to show an appearance, a journey took me longer than expected... )
<Jester> Aye
<JohnnyLemuria> aye
<Bug-Indiana> aye
<yari> aye
<DreadPirateDrew> Then it is unanimous unless I missed a pNC member joining us
<Korg_Volca> Aye
<DreadPirateDrew> OK great moving on, Opening discussion on 9/11 camera walk and talk like a pirate day
<yari> I know we all kinda missed the event discussion meeting last week
<yari> (oops)
<iAmV> Right. We left plans for both on the discord discussions. One has more planning done then the other. The idea for Twitter spaces was still brought up
<yari> or I certainly did
<Jester> I feel like we should start it on 9/11 but continue it consistently to constantly remind people what the Patriot Act has done to the 4th amendment
<iAmV> :'( yes I came back late from vacation and missed all of Thurs
<yari> I am in the middle of making a signup for the twitter spaces livestream thing
<yari> almost done with that and will be able to send that out tonight
<iAmV> I still would like help with information to put on flyers
<yari> So we should be able to go forward with that
<yari> I would appreciate some help with getting together the information we need so that V can put it on flyers
<yari> tbh just someone who is willing to take point with me and be in a discord chat and banter things back and forth until we get the stuff we need
<iAmV> I can work jam tomorrow evening too
<Bug-Indiana> unsure what info you may need, i'll gladly chat with you to help tho
<yari> Bug that would be useful - and V that timing is absolutely noted
<yari> thank you.
<yari> Bug I'll message you
<iAmV> I'll leave a message in volunteer discussion reminding everyone
<Bug-Indiana> sounds good, no problem! if you do just let me know after the meeting - cant see it rn because on mobile IRC
<iAmV> Aka pingy ping
<yari> ofc
<yari> wonderful, thank you V
<yari> for the camera walk, is there someone else who can edit the website?
<yari> or!
<yari> the wiki!
<yari> Wanda can I volunteer you? If I figure out the process for uploading the putting materials on the wiki, can I show that to you and ask you to put together the resources list for 9/11
<iAmV> I'll put a post on website and ask for help too
<DreadPirateDrew> I haven't edited the wiki, but I don't see why I couldn't help with that
<iAmV> Drew what about the promo video? Will any weekday work this week?
<DreadPirateDrew> almost, tuesday evening isn't good. But otherwise I should be available in the evenings this week
<iAmV> Great
<DreadPirateDrew> Any other discussion needed on these topics?
<Wanda_FL> I walk away for a minute and someone volunteers me for something
<Wanda_FL> rip
<yari> I asked!
<yari> it's not set in stone!
<Bug-Indiana> i cant think of anything at this point Dread
<Wanda_FL> what am I supposed to do Yari?
<yari> Wanda if I figure out the upload process for files to the wiki, could you put files together to make the 9/11 resources page?
<Wanda_FL> I can try
<Wanda_FL> Can't guarantee I would be able to
<yari> ofc
<yari> motion to adjourn
<Jester> Seconded
<DreadPirateDrew> all in favor?
<keithg> Thanks for having me. It was great to observe. Hopefully one day I can participate as an actual member.
<iAmVv> Good meeting y'all thank you for all your work
<yari> aye
<Jester> Aye
<Wanda_FL> Thanks for coming Keith
<Wanda_FL> always nice to have more people at these
<iAmV> Missing pa
<DreadPirateDrew> @JohnnyLemuria vote to adjourn?
<JohnnyLemuria> lets adjourn
<Wanda_FL> then vote for it silly
22:02:15 <DreadPirateDrew> OK we are adjourned. Thanks everyone for participating. Looks like we have a little homework. See everyone next week on Jitsi

Latest revision as of 02:42, 14 August 2023

The August 13th, 2023 PNC Meeting was one of the weekly meetings of the Pirate National Committee (PNC). This meeting took place on IRC.








Old Business

  • Security Camera Walk for September 11, 2023
  • Three Month Plan
    • Make plan
    • Add ways to help our three committees be self sufficient by the end of the three months to the three month plan (stretch goal is to include the press committee)
  • Talk Like A Pirate Day 2023 - Planning

New Business

  • elections for chair vacancy





  • CA proposed a motion to create an election committee to hold the election for the position of chair via Jitsi on September 3rd.
    • Yari, V, Bug, and Johnny volunteered
  • Discussion was held about the progress made and next steps required for the two upcoming events

Meeting Minutes

21:00:30 <DreadPirateDrew> Alright, by my time it's now 9pm EST so let's begin with ID's 
<DreadPirateDrew> Drew Bingaman Captain of the PA Pirates, Vice of the USPP, acting Captain
<iAmV> Sarai "Sopphey {V}ance" Oviedo, Swarmcare Manager of USPP, Observing for Texas
<keithg> Keith Goldstein, cofound of Pirate Party of Israel, General Secretary of Pirate Parties International.
<JohnnyLemuria> John L Robinson, secretary for the PA Pirates.
<DreadPirateDrew> FYI Johnny will be representing PA while I am occupied with the Chair role.
<iAmV> Great to have you here Johnny 
<JohnnyLemuria> Thank you
<DreadPirateDrew> Other ID's? So far I only have one voting member.
<haborym> Eric Orzechowicz - auditor and am I representing Indiana today?
<Bug-Indiana> i'm here but idk if i say anything tbh
<justin> Justin representing Delaware
<iAmV> Bug, an ID will let you brainstorm and participate. Voting is for state reps in the PNC
<DreadPirateDrew> OK well, we can roll into reports, I know Yari should be joining us soon. 
<Bug-Indiana> thansk, apologies
<iAmV> You're good! My first meeting I just quietly watched
<DreadPirateDrew> IT report?
<DreadPirateDrew> or outreach?
<iAmV> I don't have reports, but outreach has a movie screening this week
<haborym> i can make it simple - platform didn't have much of a meeting so nothing to report there
<DreadPirateDrew> Jester and Wanda, ID's please
<Wanda_FL> apologies for being late, Wanda of Florida, Outreach Chair 
<DreadPirateDrew> Thank you Wanda
<Jester> Ashley Melody, Indiana Pirate Party
<DreadPirateDrew> Jester, are you repping Indiana tonight?
<DreadPirateDrew> We had just started with reports, not much in so far but if either of you has anything to add, please do.
<Wanda_FL> Outreach Committee met briefly this week, nothing of major note was discussed 
<DreadPirateDrew> OK great thank you. anything from platform this week?
<Neptunian> Addison Dillon, WA
<haborym> nope. as mentioned above, we had a low turnout at our meeting so not enough to make progress on anything worth reporting
<DreadPirateDrew> OK thank you. Obviously, the big news from the officers is that our Captain has resigned, meaning I will be filling in while we elect a new captain.
<DreadPirateDrew> Which is an agenda item for new business
<DreadPirateDrew> any other reports from officers?
<iAmV> Kind of old business,but swarmcare was trying to get a"this week in pirate news". Also getting meetings set up and representing the boatd
<iAmV> *board
<yari> Rose Klein, CA rep, acting secretary
<Jester> Sorry I am back, if we don’t have another Indiana rep I guess I will rep IN 
<DreadPirateDrew> THanks Yari, is there anything from IT this week?
<yari> just some updates done, not much else
<Jester> Back again
<yari> keeping the ship afloat, as it were
<DreadPirateDrew> OK all good. Just keep trying Jester... 
<yari> I have a misc report
<DreadPirateDrew> go for it Yari
<yari> Just an update that I had forgotten about and then re-discovered my notes this week on the anti-bullying resolution we are hoping to bring to the PNC. Planning to contact those who volunteered to edit with a draft this week.
<yari> that's all
<DreadPirateDrew> Thank you
<keithg> I'm just a visitor atm, but I can give a short report on PPI activities in the USA.
<DreadPirateDrew> We have 3 items on the agenda that we should discuss, Talk like a pirate day, the 9/11 camera mapping event, and Chair election
<DreadPirateDrew> Keith, that would be great if you would like to share
<yari> I would love to hear about PPI stuff
<DreadPirateDrew> Since our time is short I am looking for consensus on what item you all would like to start with tonight
<keithg> very quickly I share that we are participating in the Ad Hoc Committee to Elaborate a Comprehensive International Convention on Countering the Use of Information and Communications Technologies for Criminal Purposes in NY next week.
<DreadPirateDrew> I believe all three are important, and all have time pressures
<yari> Drew, I can make a motion w/r/t the chair election to get that out of the way
<keithg> As I mentioned on Discord, PPI has membership in the UN ECOSOC, WTO, and other organizations. and we hope that USPP members can attend some conferences.
<keithg> that's it from me. :)
<iAmV> Definitely something USPP can do.
<yari> kieth, if you ping @moderators in the discord when you post info about events, we can make sure the appropriate people are notified and even put out a whole USPP blast
<DreadPirateDrew> Thanks to both of you. Yari, I am ready to hear that although I am not positive we have quorum for votes
<Jester> I am here if you needed confirmation on me
<DreadPirateDrew> I have IN, PA, and CA at the moment
<DreadPirateDrew> You are inclusive in that Jester
<yari> checking bylaws but I believe 3 is technically quorum by the skin of our teeth
<iAmV> Thank you bylaws dieties
<Wanda_FL> I thought I saw Mitch in the list but idk if he IDed or is im just seeing things 
<DreadPirateDrew> Then let's move forward with your motion
<haborym> i second
<haborym> oops...disregard. forgot i'm not IN tonight
<Jester> I second
<yari> yeah we are good
<yari> actually since we have so many observers here, we are even more within quorum
<yari> observers help with counting toward it
<DreadPirateDrew> OK cool, then I am patiently awaiting your motion
Dausume has joined
<yari> okay, I move that we create an election committee (since that's what we need to do anyway) to hold an election for the position of chair, to be held on September 3rd over Jitsi. 
<iAmV> Cool
<yari> That gives us at least two weeks to organize it, which I feel is needed
<JohnnyLemuria> seconded
<yari> and it should be held over jitsi, I think
<DreadPirateDrew> Thank you Johnny. Then we can move into discussion on the topic
<yari> I am on the fence of whether this should include public vote or not
<DreadPirateDrew> Do we have volunteers for the election committee?
<iAmV> I'm curious if those who ran in the spring will run again
<yari> I volunteer
<Bug-Indiana> idk if i can, but i'd voulenteer if possible-
<yari> here's the thing. bylaws say that "During all other times of year, representatives of the PNC shall be the only eligible voters in an officer election."
<Wanda_FL> I have a question Yari 
<DreadPirateDrew> I don't think the bylaws allow votes outside the PNC for a vacancy do they?
<yari> exactly drew
<DreadPirateDrew> Go ahead Wanda, we're in open discussion of this topic
<yari> so if we did any sort of public polling, it would *have* to be only polling
<iAmV> The bylaws definitely need PNC members for the vote
<yari> *not* suggesting bylaws change! to be clear!
<yari> we already debated this lol
<Wanda_FL> Will observers be able to nominate candidates as with the Swarmcare Opening? 
<yari> that is, technically, up to the election committee
<Wanda_FL> I see
<yari> But I see no reason that the committee would suggest otherwise
<yari> and I would certainly push for that
<iAmV> I'll volunteer for election committee 
<DreadPirateDrew> I would like if the election committee accepts any and all nominations (legit)
<DreadPirateDrew> V and Yari so far on the committee, Do we have one more volunteer?
<yari> we need 3
<iAmV> Bug can volunteer, right? Does Bug need to ID?
<JohnnyLemuria> I can volunteer
<iAmV> Cool cool cool 
<yari> Bug can volunteer. I think bug would need to ID for that. 
<Bug-Indiana> heck, how do you do an ID? 
<DreadPirateDrew> Just say who you are and where you are from
<yari> given name and state!
<DreadPirateDrew> Thank you Johnny for volunteering
<Bug-Indiana> oh okay! cool- Bug, Indiana
<DreadPirateDrew> So we have three. maybe four?
<iAmV> That's a good number 
<yari> *not given name, sorry - lived name aaa
<Bug-Indiana> i'd like to voulenteer if possible too, yeah
<Bug-Indiana> wait whats the difference? fnfunf
<iAmV> So m
<iAmV> I go by my own name and my birth name 
<yari> 'given name' usually refers to birth name
<iAmV> So if you have a dead name, don't use that
<yari> 'lived name' is what you go by
<Bug-Indiana> awesome, thank you! cool, so i did it right
<iAmV> ^
<yari> anyway we have 4!
<Bug-Indiana> sorry for interrupting
<yari> I will message everyone on discord I guess
<iAmV> Thank you yari
<yari> that is my whole motion and everything
<DreadPirateDrew> Any other discussion on this motion?
<Jester> I have nothing to say
<Bug-Indiana> not from me, no
<DreadPirateDrew> If no objections, then we will call the question and vote.
<DreadPirateDrew> Indiana
<Ty-> I apologize for my tardiness. Ty Clifford, WV Captain (just wanted to show an appearance, a journey took me longer than expected... )
<Jester> Aye
<JohnnyLemuria> aye
<Bug-Indiana> aye
<yari> aye
<DreadPirateDrew> Then it is unanimous unless I missed a pNC member joining us
<Korg_Volca> Aye
<DreadPirateDrew> OK great moving on, Opening discussion on 9/11 camera walk and talk like a pirate day
<yari> I know we all kinda missed the event discussion meeting last week
<yari> (oops)
<iAmV> Right. We left plans for both on the discord discussions. One has more planning done then the other. The idea for Twitter spaces was still brought up 
<yari> or I certainly did
<Jester> I feel like we should start it on 9/11 but continue it consistently to constantly remind people what the Patriot Act has done to the 4th amendment
<iAmV> :'( yes I came back late from vacation and missed all of Thurs 
<yari> I am in the middle of making a signup for the twitter spaces livestream thing
<yari> almost done with that and will be able to send that out tonight
<iAmV> I still would like help with information to put on flyers
<yari> So we should be able to go forward with that
<yari> I would appreciate some help with getting together the information we need so that V can put it on flyers
<yari> tbh just someone who is willing to take point with me and be in a discord chat and banter things back and forth until we get the stuff we need
<iAmV> I can work jam tomorrow evening too
<Bug-Indiana> unsure what info you may need, i'll gladly chat with you to help tho
<yari> Bug that would be useful - and V that timing is absolutely noted
<yari> thank you.
<yari> Bug I'll message you
<iAmV> I'll leave a message in volunteer discussion reminding everyone 
<Bug-Indiana> sounds good, no problem! if you do just let me know after the meeting - cant see it rn because on mobile IRC
<iAmV> Aka pingy ping
<yari> ofc
<yari> wonderful, thank you V
<yari> for the camera walk, is there someone else who can edit the website?
<yari> or!
<yari> the wiki!
<yari> Wanda can I volunteer you? If I figure out the process for uploading the putting materials on the wiki, can I show that to you and ask you to put together the resources list for 9/11
<iAmV> I'll put a post on website and ask for help too
<DreadPirateDrew> I haven't edited the wiki, but I don't see why I couldn't help with that
<iAmV> Drew what about the promo video? Will any weekday work this week?
<DreadPirateDrew> almost, tuesday evening isn't good. But otherwise I should be available in the evenings this week
<iAmV> Great
<DreadPirateDrew> Any other discussion needed on these topics?
<Wanda_FL> I walk away for a minute and someone volunteers me for something
<Wanda_FL> rip
<yari> I asked!
<yari> it's not set in stone!
<Bug-Indiana> i cant think of anything at this point Dread
<Wanda_FL> what am I supposed to do Yari? 
<yari> Wanda if I figure out the upload process for files to the wiki, could you put files together to make the 9/11 resources page?
<Wanda_FL> I can try
<Wanda_FL> Can't guarantee I would be able to 
<yari> ofc
<yari> motion to adjourn
<Jester> Seconded
<DreadPirateDrew> all in favor?
<keithg> Thanks for having me. It was great to observe. Hopefully one day I can participate as an actual member.
<iAmVv> Good meeting y'all thank you for all your work 
<yari> aye
<Jester> Aye
<Wanda_FL> Thanks for coming Keith 
<Wanda_FL> always nice to have more people at these
<iAmV> Missing pa
<DreadPirateDrew> @JohnnyLemuria vote to adjourn?
<JohnnyLemuria> lets adjourn
<Wanda_FL> then vote for it silly
22:02:15 <DreadPirateDrew> OK we are adjourned. Thanks everyone for participating. Looks like we have a little homework. See everyone next week on Jitsi