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(2 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
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==== Platform ====
==== Platform ====
==== Other ====
==== Officers ====
** Reminder that PPI is hosting a board meeting on the 13th
=== Discussion ===
=== Discussion ===
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=== New Business ===
=== New Business ===
*(MA) MAPP Conference October 8th
*(Chair) Account management process clarification
Meeting adjourned at pm EST.
== Minutes ==
== Minutes ==
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<Wodensday> Calling meeting to order at 9:03 EDT.
<Wodensday> IDs?
<yari> Rose Klein, CA
<Wodensday> Anthony Jay, PNC Chair
<pmchi> Mitchel Davilo, Chicagoland/ILPP, Swarmcare Manager
<Mariah-Lynne> Mariah-Lynne, KYPP, Secretary
<DreadPirateDrew> Drew Bingaman PA Captain
<Joe> Joseph Onoroski, MAPP, Treasurer and keeper of pointy things.
<NiceGuySky> Nice Guy Sky {Rowan T.}, ILPP/Chicagoland, ILPP Swarmcare Sentinel
<pmchi> NiceGuySky will be IL’s voting member
<Wodensday> I believe that is everyone in attendance so far.
<Wodensday> We will be moving on to reports, starting with committees.
<Wodensday> Platform? Pmchi
Brianna has joined
<Wodensday> Agenda: https://wiki.uspirates.org/w/index.php?title=PNC_09/11/2022
<papegaai> Title: PNC 09/11/2022 - United States Pirate Party (at wiki.uspirates.org)
<Wodensday> Welcome! Brianna. Please ID
<Wodensday> Name, state, title
<Brianna> Brianna Coyle, Ohio, USPP PR Director
<pmchi> Platform initially was going to present Right to Repair tonight, but it needs more formal tweaking to make it immediately adoptable (should we choose to adopt). Next week, we should have that plank available (as well as Pan-Americanism if that’s completed by next meeting)
<Wodensday> Danke schon.
<Wodensday> Thank you! I look forward to it.
<Wodensday> Does IT have anything to report?
<yari> since I am the only member who was present -
<yari> yes!
<Wodensday> Sweeet
<yari> We made progress on the donation button! It is not finished yet, but it's looking like we will be able to finalize everything next week. We sent out an email with all the things we need to get yet in order to complete the process, so if you saw that email, please respond!
* Joe raises hand.
<Wodensday> BEAUTIFUL. You all are wonderful.
<Wodensday> Yes. Joe?
<yari> that's all I have, Joe can talk
<Joe> I did respond, did you get my email?
<yari> yes!
<yari> thank you
<Joe> As Treasurer, I figured I would have the duty of being the main point of contact.
<Joe> My phone never stops ringing anyways so I am quite used to it.
<yari> Please let us know when you have contacted jamie about the bank info and I am counting on the two of you to have that done before wednesday!
<Joe> Also, were you able to get the address.
<Joe> Jamie already has it.
<Wodensday> If this gets done this week, I will love the three of you forever. I already do, but still.
<pmchi> I have a question for the treasurer: I still need to write out the check on behalf of the ILPP. With the implementation of the donate button, would it suffice if sent via the donate button (when available)?
<Joe> We should be able to go live this week
<yari> Address will be with us by the end of tomorrow
<Wodensday> Joe, you can answer
<pmchi> Or would a check from a brick and mortar still be the ideal
<Joe> Yes, pmchi, that is the purpose of the donation button.
<pmchi> Excellent, if that’s the case, Illinois will contribute it’s membership fees once the button goes live
<Wodensday> Same here
<Joe> I am completely fine with the donation button because it will capture all the information I will need to file.
<yari> and same from CA
<DreadPirateDrew> PA too
<Mariah-Lynne> I don't think I saw an email sent to the KYPP email account. Unless it was sent directly to Ethan's email account?
<Joe> Also, our funds will be at 0 shortly to pay our first bill out of the account.
<Wodensday> It was sent to the board list, you may not be on it. Someone can fix that.
<Joe> Motion to have IT fix "it".
<yari> Mariah-Lynne - I'll check if it was sent to y'all. Might not apply to you, honestly. thank you for asking!
<Mariah-Lynne> Thank you.
<Wodensday> Anything else treasury?
<yari> no motion required, if they aren't on the list I can do that now
<Wodensday> Or
<Wodensday> IT
<Wodensday> I mean IT.
<Joe> Ty Yari.
<yari> nothing else from IT
<Joe> For Treasury, no.
<Wodensday> Closing that, then.
<Wodensday> Outreach:
<pmchi> Thank you Joe
* Joe gives pmchi a big thumbs up.
<Wodensday> We had a discussion over voice chat this week about the proposed event. In the end, the committee decided that we do not have the capability to run a satisfactory fundraise for someone else at this time. The proposed alternate plan is to focus on the streaming process and to have smaller fundraisers for ourselves. This will test our capabilities
<Wodensday> and give us an audience that we can use to further our other desires.
<Wodensday> streaming project*
<yari> I will respect the decision of the committee then
<Wodensday> I can get a longer brief to you, I should have prepared that. Maybe Sky and I can come back with it if necessary.
<Wodensday> Any other comments here?
<Joe> I agree with this decision. With us having so little in funding it makes sense to build ourselves up first.
<yari> yeah, I would appreaciate that. I don't think I'm entirely convinced, but I also recognize that I'm not exactly part of outreach on a regular basis.
<yari> (getting a longer brief)
<yari> no other comments from me
<Wodensday> I will say this - the big thing we all agreed on was our lack of a current streaming audience. It would be an abject failure by non-comparative standards no matter what, and when working with someone else, someone else has something on the line. Handing them 50 bucks would be bad for morale across the board.
<Wodensday> So, we shouldn't start with it. We can build to it.
<yari> fair
<NiceGuySky> Well said AJ!
<Wodensday> Thank you! I try.
<Wodensday> Shall we move on to officer reports?
Miles_PPAU has joined
<Wodensday> Swaaaaarmcaaaaaare? Pmchi
<yari> welcome Miles!
<Wodensday> Welcome, Miles!
<Wodensday> Always a pleasure
<Joe> Ahoy Miles!
<NiceGuySky> Welcome Miles!
<Miles_PPAU> hi
<Miles_PPAU> we're balls deep in trying to kick off a state campaign at the moment, it's not going well -.-
<Wodensday> Can you ID? Name, (lack of) state, title
<pmchi> Swarmcare has nothing new to report unfortunately
<Wodensday> I'm curious about that, we should talk after business
<pmchi> Ahoy Miles!
<Wodensday> That is alright! Secretary?
<pmchi> Fellow Bookchin enjoyer
<Wodensday> Yari
<yari> the main thing that I took care of was helping the temporary committee that is working on streaming to get set up and started
<Wodensday> Gothca. Anything else?
<yari> not really, just laying the groundwork for wiki updates
<Wodensday> Fantastic, thank you.
<Joe> ^
<Wodensday> Anything else from Treasury? Just want to check
<Joe> Soon to get the money and then pay the bills.
<Joe> Hope to meet up with Jamie to get him access to the account as well. This will allow him to make reports for auditing.
<Joe> That's what I have for now.
<Wodensday> I love actually hearing the word money during treasury time. Let's keep it up!
<Wodensday> PR? Brianna
<Brianna> Nothing substiantial to report other than the occassional talking to people in the DMs and telling them about the USPP. I have plans to build media relationships but will need to work on a media list once we have the capability to send press releases, either through Civi or somewhere else.
<Wodensday> Who should we direct her to? Would an IT meeting suffice? Yari
<Brianna> On that note, I really should try to get to the next IT meeting.
<yari> don't come to the next one, actually -
<yari> we'll be working on the donate button still
<yari> unless you want to help with that
<yari> I have plans (AJ, I messaged you about this) to meet with you and set up some work on the Civi lists
<yari> it's on my to-do list
<Wodensday> Oh, yes. That is a thing.
<Wodensday> Any further comment on the PR report?
<Brianna> I may be able to help with select IT tasks. I am somewhat familiar with Civi. Though, it appears as though the Civi installation is on Drupal and not Wordpress, right?
<Brianna> Oops sorry, not trying to derail
<yari> correct
<Wodensday> You're good!
<Wodensday> Mutinies only happen when we go past 2 hours or so
<Joe> Or run out of grog
<Wodensday> That too.
<Wodensday> Please save other comments for the end of reports, then.
<Wodensday> Chair:
<Wodensday> A question was raised to me about our FEC report. This isn't my area, but I spoke to Jamie at that situation should be resolved. No worries about that.
<Wodensday> An article about us should be coming out on Independent Political Report any day now. I will ask my contact about that if we don;t see it early this week.
<yari> oooo nice
<Wodensday> I've set up a bit of a prototype Comms/Media Task Force with some interested volunteers, no update yet, that should take shape soon
<Wodensday> Anything else I need is in or can go in new business.
<yari> wow, go AJ
<Wodensday> Discussion or debate on reports? Any reports I missed? Comments from states without officers?
<yari> my discussion is that AJ is killing it
<NiceGuySky> Hell yeah
<pmchi> ^^
<Wodensday> I appreciate that, but I am only using 20% of my power so far.
<pmchi> Dark AJ is rising
<Wodensday> You will see the strong chair this month, be ready and be worried
<Wodensday> Dark Tony
<NiceGuySky> LMAO
<pmchi> Oh no
<yari> that's nice - I still want to dissolve your position.
<Wodensday> If I let you. /s
<NiceGuySky> 0-0
<yari> no further comment
<Wodensday> No worries, I simply pretend to be a tyrant to keep you all on your toes.
<Wodensday> Any objection to moving on?
<NiceGuySky> No
<yari> none
<Wodensday> I will take that as a consensus.
<Wodensday> Nest order of business: MAPP Conference October 8th
<Wodensday> https://masspirates.org/crew/forms/speak-our-2022-party-conference
<papegaai> Title: Speak at our 2022 Party Conference | Mass Pirates Crew (at masspirates.org)
<Wodensday> I am assuming we are just to let everyone know that this is happening in our respective states and work areas, correct? Joe
<Wodensday> Or do you need help from us in other ways.
<Joe> October 8th, we are recruiting speakers
<yari> I am up to be a speaker - do you need any info from me?
<Joe> We are looking to get RCV and meshnet there as well
<Joe> Did you want to come as a panel or go individually?
<Wodensday> I am unsure of what or if I can devote yet, unfortunately
<Joe> We are also participating in the extinction rebellion and hope to recruit a guest speaker from that event as well.
<Wodensday> Miles_PPAU Would any Australian pirates be interested in speaking at a virtual state convention?
<Joe> "Extinction Rebellion | Join The Fight Against Climate and Ecological Collapse" https://rebellion.global
<papegaai> Title: Extinction Rebellion | Join The Fight Against Climate and Ecological Collapse (at rebellion.global)
<yari> Joe I could do either - I was thinking individually, I don't particularly feel up to organizing a panel
<yari> but I am happy to participate in a panel
<Joe> Individual is great for me. Makes it easier to organize on our end.
<Joe> We also are happy to have pre-recorded sessions.
<Brianna> Haha, that was literally going to be something I asked about
<Brianna> I am willing if there is anything y'all would like me to speak on
<Joe> If you are having any trouble, I am happy to do it as an interview were I discuss who you are and what you are looking for in the pirate party.
<Joe> Brianna, I would love how to run an effective online campaign from you.
<yari> any particular subjects you're hoping to cover? I presume stuff related to the partners you're working with might be helpful?
<Brianna> Unsure of my availibity on the 8th as I will likely be in NYC then (and I can't guaruntee a quiet background with my family, lol). /// Campaign stuff is something I can def talk about. Open to do pretty much anything if you will have me.
<Joe> Looking to play to our strengths so we are pretty open to the topic.
<Joe> If you have no topic then our default is an interview about you.
<Wodensday> Does MA do any local offices in 2023?
<Joe> Currently we have 1 local office in Arlington, MA
<Wodensday> Oh I mean like elections. When can we next get more?
<Wodensday> Post 2022
<Joe> I also hope to go for trustee are a public library or council member in Lowell.
DreadPirateDrew has quit
<Wodensday> When?
<Joe> We did not run anyone this election unfortunately.
<Wodensday> 2022? 2023? 2024?
<Joe> 2024
DreadPirateDrew has joined
<Wodensday> Gotcha
<Brianna> Question: Do we have a candidate support committee (nationally)?
<Wodensday> Well, what I want to do could still apply.
<Joe> Due to bylaws, I can not be Treasurer and run.
<Wodensday> We do not.
<yari> we don't have the manpower
<yari> yet
<Brianna> I'm a firm believer in faking it until you make it
<Wodensday> I want to start doing the thing and getting people hyped up and adequately trained for a purple/orange/whatever we are wave.
<DreadPirateDrew> Black
<DreadPirateDrew> We fly the black
<Brianna> I have a lot of resources we can put to use. I just need some help with... dismantling them.
<Joe> When we have a candidate, we should. But to get the support we need we need a local base to gain that support.
<Wodensday> You do, national is purple and half of our states are orange lol
<yari> Brianna - I don't disagree
<yari> request to move on to next agenda item
<Wodensday> Point is, I would love to work with PA and beyond and talk about all of the methods we can use to flood some local offices
<Wodensday> I'll treat that as a motion.
<Joe> With MA we lost a lot of steam
<Wodensday> Seconds?
<yari> it's not a motion
<Wodensday> I do not know how else to do it.
<yari> If there's no further discussion on topic, we move on
<yari> we are currently off topic
<Wodensday> Fair.
<Joe> But when we start meeting up again publicly I think we will start getting a lot more support.
<Wodensday> Is there any further discussion?
<Joe> Please sign up.
<Joe> Thanks!
<pmchi> Just signed up Joe, thank you for all you and Massachusetts does for the Pirate movement in the US
<pmchi> Motion to adjourn
<Joe> 2nd
<Wodensday> Sorry, laundry
<NiceGuySky> 3rd
<yari> Joe we can send an email blast to all volunteers with your link if you want
<yari> using Civi
<Joe> Please!
<Wodensday> There is a motion and second to adjourn, it is not debatable but I would like to ask nicely if Joe can stick around afterwards
<NiceGuySky> I have to go now but if the meeting continues pmchi is now the IL voting rep!
<pmchi> Aye aye
<NiceGuySky> Thanks you all for having me and have a good night
<Joe> I can, I assume you have questions.
<Wodensday> Goodnight!
<yari> gn
<Wodensday> yes
18:55:58 NiceGuySky has left
<Wodensday> All in favor of adjourning?
<Joe> Aye
<pmchi> Aye
<Mariah-Lynne> aye
<yari> abstain
<Wodensday> DreadPirateDrew
<DreadPirateDrew> Aye
<Wodensday> Motion adjourned at 9:56 EDT.
<Wodensday> Goodnight everyone!

Latest revision as of 22:02, 11 September 2022







  • Secretary
    • Reminder that PPI is hosting a board meeting on the 13th


Old Business

New Business

  • (MA) MAPP Conference October 8th
  • (Chair) Account management process clarification


Probationary States



Meeting called to order at pm EST.



Old Business

New Business


Record of the meeting

<Wodensday> Calling meeting to order at 9:03 EDT.
<Wodensday> IDs?
<yari> Rose Klein, CA
<Wodensday> Anthony Jay, PNC Chair
<pmchi> Mitchel Davilo, Chicagoland/ILPP, Swarmcare Manager
<Mariah-Lynne> Mariah-Lynne, KYPP, Secretary
<DreadPirateDrew> Drew Bingaman PA Captain 
<Joe> Joseph Onoroski, MAPP, Treasurer and keeper of pointy things.
<NiceGuySky> Nice Guy Sky {Rowan T.}, ILPP/Chicagoland, ILPP Swarmcare Sentinel
<pmchi> NiceGuySky will be IL’s voting member
<Wodensday> I believe that is everyone in attendance so far.
<Wodensday> We will be moving on to reports, starting with committees.
<Wodensday> Platform? Pmchi
Brianna has joined
<Wodensday> Agenda: https://wiki.uspirates.org/w/index.php?title=PNC_09/11/2022
<papegaai> Title: PNC 09/11/2022 - United States Pirate Party (at wiki.uspirates.org)
<Wodensday> Welcome! Brianna. Please ID
<Wodensday> Name, state, title
<Brianna> Brianna Coyle, Ohio, USPP PR Director
<pmchi> Platform initially was going to present Right to Repair tonight, but it needs more formal tweaking to make it immediately adoptable (should we choose to adopt). Next week, we should have that plank available (as well as Pan-Americanism if that’s completed by next meeting)
<Wodensday> Danke schon.
<Wodensday> Thank you! I look forward to it.
<Wodensday> Does IT have anything to report?
<yari> since I am the only member who was present - 
<yari> yes!
<Wodensday> Sweeet
<yari> We made progress on the donation button! It is not finished yet, but it's looking like we will be able to finalize everything next week. We sent out an email with all the things we need to get yet in order to complete the process, so if you saw that email, please respond!
* Joe raises hand.
<Wodensday> BEAUTIFUL. You all are wonderful.
<Wodensday> Yes. Joe?
<yari> that's all I have, Joe can talk
<Joe> I did respond, did you get my email?
<yari> yes!
<yari> thank you
<Joe> As Treasurer, I figured I would have the duty of being the main point of contact.
<Joe> My phone never stops ringing anyways so I am quite used to it.
<yari> Please let us know when you have contacted jamie about the bank info and I am counting on the two of you to have that done before wednesday!
<Joe> Also, were you able to get the address.
<Joe> Jamie already has it.
<Wodensday> If this gets done this week, I will love the three of you forever. I already do, but still.
<pmchi> I have a question for the treasurer: I still need to write out the check on behalf of the ILPP. With the implementation of the donate button, would it suffice if sent via the donate button (when available)?
<Joe> We should be able to go live this week
<yari> Address will be with us by the end of tomorrow
<Wodensday> Joe, you can answer
<pmchi> Or would a check from a brick and mortar still be the ideal
<Joe> Yes, pmchi, that is the purpose of the donation button.
<pmchi> Excellent, if that’s the case, Illinois will contribute it’s membership fees once the button goes live
<Wodensday> Same here
<Joe> I am completely fine with the donation button because it will capture all the information I will need to file.
<yari> and same from CA
<DreadPirateDrew> PA too
<Mariah-Lynne> I don't think I saw an email sent to the KYPP email account. Unless it was sent directly to Ethan's email account?
<Joe> Also, our funds will be at 0 shortly to pay our first bill out of the account. 
<Wodensday> It was sent to the board list, you may not be on it. Someone can fix that.
<Joe> Motion to have IT fix "it".
<yari> Mariah-Lynne - I'll check if it was sent to y'all. Might not apply to you, honestly. thank you for asking!
<Mariah-Lynne> Thank you.
<Wodensday> Anything else treasury?
<yari> no motion required, if they aren't on the list I can do that now
<Wodensday> Or
<Wodensday> IT
<Wodensday> I mean IT.
<Joe> Ty Yari.
<yari> nothing else from IT
<Joe> For Treasury, no.
<Wodensday> Closing that, then.
<Wodensday> Outreach:
<pmchi> Thank you Joe
* Joe gives pmchi a big thumbs up.
<Wodensday> We had a discussion over voice chat this week about the proposed event. In the end, the committee decided that we do not have the capability to run a satisfactory fundraise for someone else at this time. The proposed alternate plan is to focus on the streaming process and to have smaller fundraisers for ourselves. This will test our capabilities
<Wodensday> and give us an audience that we can use to further our other desires.
<Wodensday> streaming project*
<yari> I will respect the decision of the committee then
<Wodensday> I can get a longer brief to you, I should have prepared that. Maybe Sky and I can come back with it if necessary.
<Wodensday> Any other comments here?
<Joe> I agree with this decision. With us having so little in funding it makes sense to build ourselves up first.
<yari> yeah, I would appreaciate that. I don't think I'm entirely convinced, but I also recognize that I'm not exactly part of outreach on a regular basis.
<yari> (getting a longer brief)
<yari> no other comments from me
<Wodensday> I will say this - the big thing we all agreed on was our lack of a current streaming audience. It would be an abject failure by non-comparative standards no matter what, and when working with someone else, someone else has something on the line. Handing them 50 bucks would be bad for morale across the board.
<Wodensday> So, we shouldn't start with it. We can build to it.
<yari> fair
<NiceGuySky> Well said AJ!
<Wodensday> Thank you! I try.
<Wodensday> Shall we move on to officer reports?
Miles_PPAU has joined
<Wodensday> Swaaaaarmcaaaaaare? Pmchi
<yari> welcome Miles!
<Wodensday> Welcome, Miles!
<Wodensday> Always a pleasure
<Joe> Ahoy Miles!
<NiceGuySky> Welcome Miles!
<Miles_PPAU> hi
<Miles_PPAU> we're balls deep in trying to kick off a state campaign at the moment, it's not going well -.-
<Wodensday> Can you ID? Name, (lack of) state, title
<pmchi> Swarmcare has nothing new to report unfortunately
<Wodensday> I'm curious about that, we should talk after business
<pmchi> Ahoy Miles!
<Wodensday> That is alright! Secretary?
<pmchi> Fellow Bookchin enjoyer
<Wodensday> Yari
<yari> the main thing that I took care of was helping the temporary committee that is working on streaming to get set up and started
<Wodensday> Gothca. Anything else?
<yari> not really, just laying the groundwork for wiki updates
<Wodensday> Fantastic, thank you.
<Joe> ^
<Wodensday> Anything else from Treasury? Just want to check
<Joe> Soon to get the money and then pay the bills.
<Joe> Hope to meet up with Jamie to get him access to the account as well. This will allow him to make reports for auditing. 
<Joe> That's what I have for now.
<Wodensday> I love actually hearing the word money during treasury time. Let's keep it up!
<Wodensday> PR? Brianna
<Brianna> Nothing substiantial to report other than the occassional talking to people in the DMs and telling them about the USPP. I have plans to build media relationships but will need to work on a media list once we have the capability to send press releases, either through Civi or somewhere else.
<Wodensday> Who should we direct her to? Would an IT meeting suffice? Yari
<Brianna> On that note, I really should try to get to the next IT meeting. 
<yari> don't come to the next one, actually - 
<yari> we'll be working on the donate button still
<yari> unless you want to help with that
<yari> I have plans (AJ, I messaged you about this) to meet with you and set up some work on the Civi lists
<yari> it's on my to-do list
<Wodensday> Oh, yes. That is a thing.
<Wodensday> Any further comment on the PR report?
<Brianna> I may be able to help with select IT tasks. I am somewhat familiar with Civi. Though, it appears as though the Civi installation is on Drupal and not Wordpress, right?
<Brianna> Oops sorry, not trying to derail
<yari> correct
<Wodensday> You're good!
<Wodensday> Mutinies only happen when we go past 2 hours or so
<Joe> Or run out of grog
<Wodensday> That too.
<Wodensday> Please save other comments for the end of reports, then.
<Wodensday> Chair:
<Wodensday> A question was raised to me about our FEC report. This isn't my area, but I spoke to Jamie at that situation should be resolved. No worries about that.
<Wodensday> An article about us should be coming out on Independent Political Report any day now. I will ask my contact about that if we don;t see it early this week.
<yari> oooo nice
<Wodensday> I've set up a bit of a prototype Comms/Media Task Force with some interested volunteers, no update yet, that should take shape soon
<Wodensday> Anything else I need is in or can go in new business.
<yari> wow, go AJ
<Wodensday> Discussion or debate on reports? Any reports I missed? Comments from states without officers?
<yari> my discussion is that AJ is killing it
<NiceGuySky> Hell yeah
<pmchi> ^^
<Wodensday> I appreciate that, but I am only using 20% of my power so far.
<pmchi> Dark AJ is rising
<Wodensday> You will see the strong chair this month, be ready and be worried
<Wodensday> Dark Tony
<NiceGuySky> LMAO
<pmchi> Oh no
<yari> that's nice - I still want to dissolve your position.
<Wodensday> If I let you. /s
<NiceGuySky> 0-0
<yari> no further comment
<Wodensday> No worries, I simply pretend to be a tyrant to keep you all on your toes.
<Wodensday> Any objection to moving on?
<NiceGuySky> No
<yari> none
<Wodensday> I will take that as a consensus.
<Wodensday> Nest order of business: MAPP Conference October 8th
<Wodensday> https://masspirates.org/crew/forms/speak-our-2022-party-conference
<papegaai> Title: Speak at our 2022 Party Conference | Mass Pirates Crew (at masspirates.org)
<Wodensday> I am assuming we are just to let everyone know that this is happening in our respective states and work areas, correct? Joe
<Wodensday> Or do you need help from us in other ways.
<Joe> October 8th, we are recruiting speakers
<yari> I am up to be a speaker - do you need any info from me?
<Joe> We are looking to get RCV and meshnet there as well
<Joe> Did you want to come as a panel or go individually?
<Wodensday> I am unsure of what or if I can devote yet, unfortunately
<Joe> We are also participating in the extinction rebellion and hope to recruit a guest speaker from that event as well.
<Wodensday> Miles_PPAU Would any Australian pirates be interested in speaking at a virtual state convention?
<Joe> "Extinction Rebellion | Join The Fight Against Climate and Ecological Collapse" https://rebellion.global
<papegaai> Title: Extinction Rebellion | Join The Fight Against Climate and Ecological Collapse (at rebellion.global)
<yari> Joe I could do either - I was thinking individually, I don't particularly feel up to organizing a panel
<yari> but I am happy to participate in a panel
<Joe> Individual is great for me. Makes it easier to organize on our end.
<Joe> We also are happy to have pre-recorded sessions.
<Brianna> Haha, that was literally going to be something I asked about
<Brianna> I am willing if there is anything y'all would like me to speak on
<Joe> If you are having any trouble, I am happy to do it as an interview were I discuss who you are and what you are looking for in the pirate party. 
<Joe> Brianna, I would love how to run an effective online campaign from you.
<yari> any particular subjects you're hoping to cover? I presume stuff related to the partners you're working with might be helpful?
<Brianna> Unsure of my availibity on the 8th as I will likely be in NYC then (and I can't guaruntee a quiet background with my family, lol). /// Campaign stuff is something I can def talk about. Open to do pretty much anything if you will have me.
<Joe> Looking to play to our strengths so we are pretty open to the topic.
<Joe> If you have no topic then our default is an interview about you. 
<Wodensday> Does MA do any local offices in 2023?
<Joe> Currently we have 1 local office in Arlington, MA
<Wodensday> Oh I mean like elections. When can we next get more?
<Wodensday> Post 2022
<Joe> I also hope to go for trustee are a public library or council member in Lowell.
DreadPirateDrew has quit
<Wodensday> When?
<Joe> We did not run anyone this election unfortunately. 
<Wodensday> 2022? 2023? 2024?
<Joe> 2024
DreadPirateDrew has joined
<Wodensday> Gotcha
<Brianna> Question: Do we have a candidate support committee (nationally)?
<Wodensday> Well, what I want to do could still apply.
<Joe> Due to bylaws, I can not be Treasurer and run.
<Wodensday> We do not.
<yari> we don't have the manpower
<yari> yet
<Brianna> I'm a firm believer in faking it until you make it
<Wodensday> I want to start doing the thing and getting people hyped up and adequately trained for a purple/orange/whatever we are wave.
<DreadPirateDrew> Black
<DreadPirateDrew> We fly the black
<Brianna> I have a lot of resources we can put to use. I just need some help with... dismantling them. 
<Joe> When we have a candidate, we should. But to get the support we need we need a local base to gain that support.
<Wodensday> You do, national is purple and half of our states are orange lol
<yari> Brianna - I don't disagree
<yari> request to move on to next agenda item
<Wodensday> Point is, I would love to work with PA and beyond and talk about all of the methods we can use to flood some local offices
<Wodensday> I'll treat that as a motion.
<Joe> With MA we lost a lot of steam
<Wodensday> Seconds?
<yari> it's not a motion
<Wodensday> I do not know how else to do it.
<yari> If there's no further discussion on topic, we move on
<yari> we are currently off topic
<Wodensday> Fair.
<Joe> But when we start meeting up again publicly I think we will start getting a lot more support.
<Wodensday> Is there any further discussion?
<Joe> Please sign up.
<Joe> Thanks!
<pmchi> Just signed up Joe, thank you for all you and Massachusetts does for the Pirate movement in the US
<pmchi> Motion to adjourn
<Joe> 2nd
<Wodensday> Sorry, laundry
<NiceGuySky> 3rd 
<yari> Joe we can send an email blast to all volunteers with your link if you want
<yari> using Civi
<Joe> Please!
<Wodensday> There is a motion and second to adjourn, it is not debatable but I would like to ask nicely if Joe can stick around afterwards
<NiceGuySky> I have to go now but if the meeting continues pmchi is now the IL voting rep! 
<pmchi> Aye aye
<NiceGuySky> Thanks you all for having me and have a good night
<Joe> I can, I assume you have questions. 
<Wodensday> Goodnight!
<yari> gn
<Wodensday> yes
18:55:58 NiceGuySky has left
<Wodensday> All in favor of adjourning?
<Joe> Aye
<pmchi> Aye
<Mariah-Lynne> aye
<yari> abstain
<Wodensday> DreadPirateDrew
<DreadPirateDrew> Aye
<Wodensday> Motion adjourned at 9:56 EDT.
<Wodensday> Goodnight everyone!