PNC 10/08/2023

From United States Pirate Party
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The October 8th, 2023 PNC Meeting was one of the weekly meetings of the Pirate National Committee (PNC). This meeting took place on IRC.








Old Business

New Business





Meeting Minutes

21:07:15 <DreadPirateDrew> Let's start with ID's Drew Bingaman Captain USPP
<Ty--> Ty Clifford, USPP VC / WVPP non-member.
<Joe> Joseph Onoroski, MAPP, Treasurer
<JohnnyLemuria> I am here
<pmchi> Mitch Davilo, Chicagoland/ILPP
<MichaelC_Scribe> Michael Cadwallader, Scribe/Secretary
<JohnnyLemuria> PA secretary here
<Ty--> I miscounted : ) 
<DreadPirateDrew> OK opening the floor for reports. 
<Ty--> incoming: 
<Ty--> For Platform: I worked on the anti bullying stance a little but was met with the obstacle of 1) We basically already have one, and it is bigotry- which could be expanded upon anyway. What would need done is to update the social media guidelines instead to directly reflect (maybe). 2) Defining anti bullying in every way could inadvertently lead to a freedom of speech issue. 
<Joe> Currently, our balance is at $304.70. I advised Jamie to use the fund for tech but still did an inkind donation out of habit.
<Ty--> Considering we don't have Outreach and other Platform members here, the last thing I know they were working on were advertising for a regional party/meet, but I don't have many details. 
<Joe> May I interject a suggestion for the regional events?
<DreadPirateDrew> certainly
<Ty--> But as far as Outreach goes, I did and have been working with finding Auditor candidates. 
<Ty--> 2 have accepted nominations and 2 have declined. 
<Joe> This is a page right out of the democratic party, but during the meetups if we want food the we could due donations "plates".
<Joe> This way, we eat, donate money, and are encouraged to hang out longer and get more done.
<Ty--> What price are you suggesting?
<Joe> I am not suggesting any price, since it should be determined locally. 
<Ty--> I'll be sure to pass this onto the other.s 
<Joe> I know my poor city would be more of a pizza party than something fancy.
<Ty--> Well, locally here, as an example we have "The Moose," who works in this specific area of dinners. 
<Ty--> I could check with them at what they'd suggest.
<Ty--> They not only allow you to book your political dinner there, but they will also provide in house catering. 
<Joe> Just an idea that has worked for other parties. 
<DreadPirateDrew> These gatherings depend on how many are expected. We have a lot of places locally that have a room that can be used but also you can just order from the menu
<Ty--> That, too.
<Joe> Makes for a convenient way to raise funds for local chapters. 
<Ty--> That'sll I have for reports. 
<DreadPirateDrew> THanks guys, any other reports?
<MichaelC_Scribe> none from me
<DreadPirateDrew> Any business that needs discussed in regards to the upcoming election besides that we have 2 candidates?
<Ty--> None. Except I need email access to vc@uspirates 
<Ty--> Figured I'd say that now before I forget @ new business
<DreadPirateDrew> All good, any OTHER business?
<Ty--> I have gathered questions I feel could be asked to the auditor candidates - they are posted in Discord at this time. Was looking to get approval / suggestions of them.
<Joe> Please post them here for the record. 
yari has joined
<Joe> Ahoy 
<yari> ahoy!
<Ty--> Incoming:
<yari> Rose Klein, CA rep
<Ty--> 1. What inspired you to become a Pirate Auditor, and what specific qualities or experiences do you bring to this role?
<Ty--> 2. How do you envision your role as Pirate Auditor contributing to the United States Pirate Party's mission and goals, as outlined in our platform and bylaws?
<Ty--> 3. Can you outline your approach to ensuring financial transparency and accountability within the party, especially regarding fundraising, expenditures, and budgeting?
<Ty--> 4. What measures do you believe are essential for preventing any misuse or misallocation of party funds?
<Ty--> 5. In the event of financial discrepancies or concerns, how do you plan to address and resolve them in a fair and transparent manner?
<Ty--> 6. How would you collaborate with other party officers and committees to ensure that party finances align with our core values and platform?
<Ty--> 7. What strategies or initiatives do you have in mind to promote fiscal responsibility and efficient use of party resources?
<Ty--> 8. How will you communicate the financial status and decisions of the party to its members, both in terms of successes and challenges?
<Ty--> 9. What is your approach to balancing the need for transparency with the privacy and security of financial information?
<Ty--> 10. In your view, what are the most pressing financial issues currently facing the United States Pirate Party, and how would you address them as Pirate Auditor?
<Ty--> END.
<Ty--> I feel they could be slimmed down to about five. but... yea.
<DreadPirateDrew> Are you looking for official approval Ty? If so just make a motion that we adopt them for the candidates to answer for the election
<pmchi> Motion to adopt Ty’s questions for auditor
<Joe> 2nd
<MichaelC_Scribe> perhaps a few minor changes could be made here and there, but i think these look good
<DreadPirateDrew> Is there any need for discussion?
<MichaelC_Scribe> the questions in these seem good
new messages
<Ty--> Yes, official approval. thank you
<Joe> Good enough for government work. 
<DreadPirateDrew> Some positive responses, sounds like we can vote.
<DreadPirateDrew> All in favor
<JohnnyLemuria> aye
<pmchi> Aye
<yari> voting about what?
<Joe> Aye
<DreadPirateDrew> approving the question Ty posted for the election of auditor
<yari> aye
<DreadPirateDrew> That is unanimous unless my count is off
<DreadPirateDrew> Yari, is there anything from IT to report?
<yari> nothing to report
<DreadPirateDrew> Thank you
<DreadPirateDrew> Any other business for tonight?
<Ty--> I have nothing else. 
<DreadPirateDrew> Sounds like platform is the place to workshop the anti bullying a little bit more. So if you have input, please go there and participate
<Joe> I am happy to have a short night. It's been a long week. 
<DreadPirateDrew> Is there a motion?
<Joe> Motion to adjourn. 
<pmchi> Motion to adjourn
<pmchi> Second
ElmoMusk has quit
<Joe> 2nd
<DreadPirateDrew> All in favor?
<yari> aye
<pmchi> Aye
<Joe> Aye
ElmoMusk has joined
<DreadPirateDrew> Great, next week on Jitsi for the election
<Ty--> Be safe, everyone. 
<Joe> Have a good night.
— Joe has left, JohnnyLemuria has quit
<yari> thanks all
21:37:09 <DreadPirateDrew> Have a great night, and Vote like a Pirate